Newsletter 08/2023



Dear Readers,

It is a great pleasure to present to you the latest edition of our Newsletter, which aims to keep you informed and engaged with recent and upcoming arbitration events and initiatives. This edition is filled with captivating topics ranging from various arbitration events reviews such as the BMJ/DIS Conference 2023 in Karlsruhe to a sneak peek into the Berlin Dispute Resolution Days that are just around the corner. We are also delighted to introduce a new segment in this edition featuring a curated list of interesting readings and interviews. We hope that you enjoy reading this edition and find it valuable in keeping up with the latest developments in the arbitration community.

Thank you for your continued support, and we look forward to your feedback and suggestions for future editions at newsletter(at)

Best wishes

Your DIS Team



News from the Secretary General

News from the Secretary General

Insights: Behind the Scenes of the DIS

Get to know: Dominique Braun

Get to know: Kerstin Heiseler

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