Bucerius CIDR & DIS: Seminar for doctoral candidates - Arbitration and alternative dispute resolution

Newsletter 08/2023 - Review Past Events

21 July 2023, Hamburg
What do topics such as data protection, artificial intelligence, security of costs, sec. 1032(2) CCP and class actions have in common?

On 21-22 July 2023, Bucerius Law School Centre for International Dispute Resolution invited doctoral students to Hamburg for a seminar on arbitration and alternative dispute resolution. Due to the kind support of the Karl Heinz Böckstiegel Foundation and the DIS, Hamburg became (once again) the meeting place for doctoral students working on their theses in the field of international arbitration and dispute resolution.

The captivating lectures were followed by lively discussions in which the participants had the valuable opportunity to receive constructive feedback. The possibility to present your own topic of scientific interest and discuss the latest developments in arbitration with professionals in the field makes the CIDR Doctoral Seminar unique.

In addition to the previously mentioned contributions, the seminar dealt, i.a., with the treatment of criminal facts in arbitration proceedings, data protection duties in arbitration, artificial intelligence as an arbitrator, consent to arbitration, as well as with the secondary burden of proof. It was concluded with an discussion on the topic of security clauses in international treaties.

Of course, networking was not neglected - during the two-day seminar there were plenty of opportunities for individual exchange.

Last but not least, it was the excellent organization that made the seminar an absolute highlight.

What is special about arbitration is its young, international and diverse community. Events such as the CIDR Doctoral Seminar attest to this. 

Daniel Henry Gerl 


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