

Der German Arbitration Digest (GAD) ist eine gemeinsame Initiative der DIS und der DIS40 mit dem Ziel, international bedeutsame schiedsverfahrensrechtliche Entscheidungen der obersten deutschen Gerichte einem weltweiten Publikum zugänglich zu machen.

Der GAD macht aktuelle Entscheidungen in Schiedssachen aus einer UNCITRAL-Modellgesetzrechtsordnung einer breiten Öffentlichkeit zugänglich und schärft damit das Profil Deutschlands als schiedsfreundlicher Standort für internationale Streitigkeiten. Die DIS und DIS40 stellen dazu klare und konzise Zusammenfassungen der deutschen Entscheidungen in Schiedssachen zur Verfügung. Die Zusammenfassungen werden von engagierten jungen Streitbeilegungsspezialisten und Mitgliedern der DIS40 erstellt und von einem Team erfahrener Schiedspraktiker der DIS und der DIS40 sorgfältig geprüft, um ein hohes Maß an Verlässlichkeit zu gewährleisten.

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Im Rahmen der CLOUT-Partnerschaft zwischen dem UNCITRAL-Sekretariat und der DIS werden geeignete Fälle aus dem German Arbitration Digest in die Rechtsprechungsdatenbank CLOUT übernommen.

Higher Regional Court of Karlsruhe (OLG Karlsruhe), 4 October 2024, Case No. 10 Sch 3/24

Higher Regional Court of Karlsruhe strengthens enforcement of arbitral awards with most-favoured nation principle
GAD 2025, 8
Keywords: Foreign arbitral award, declaration of enforceability, New York Convention, grounds for refusal, inclusion and arbitration agreement, most-favoured nation principle, expedited procedure, public policy, révision au fond
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German Federal Court of Justice (Bundesgerichtshof, BGH), 10 October 2024, Case No. I ZB 22/24

German Federal Court of Justice confirms legitimate interest in declaring partial invalidity of arbitration agreement despite opponent's acknowledgment
GAD 2025, 7
Keywords: Partnership company, partial invalidity of arbitration agreement, arbitrability, disputes over defects in corporate resolutions, declaratory action, determination of admissibility of arbitral proceedings, legitimate interest in legal protection, effective legal protection
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Highest Regional Court of Bavaria (Bayerisches Oberstes Landesgericht, BayObLG), 7 November 2024, Case No. 102 SchH 135/24e

Challenging an arbitrator is not a means for judicially reviewing potential procedural errors or preliminary assessments made by the arbitrator during the proceedings
GAD 2025, 6
Keywords: Arbitrator challenge, qualified procedural errors, judicial review of challenge proceedings, deadline extension, bias, impartiality
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Higher Regional Court of Frankfurt am Main (OLG Frankfurt), 2 January 2025, Case No. 26 SchH 1/23

Higher Regional Court of Frankfurt am Main extends arbitration clause in framework supply agreement to third parties
GAD 2025, 5
Keywords: Third-party effect of arbitration clause, framework supply agreement, affiliated companies, contract interpretation, conduct of parties, contract for benefit of third parties
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Highest Regional Court of Bavaria (Bayerisches Oberstes Landesgericht, BayObLG), 20 November 2023, Case No. 102 Sch 173/23 e

Highest Regional Court of Bavaria: Arbitral award "approved" by the arbitral tribunal might still be an arbitral award on agreed terms
GAD 2025, 4
Keywords: Foreign arbitral award on agreed terms, (partial) declaration of enforceability, most favoured nation principle
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Higher Regional Court of Frankfurt (OLG Frankfurt), 26 February 2024, Case No. 26 SchH 7/23

OLG Frankfurt confirms enforceability of partially invalid arbitration agreements in partnership disputes
GAD 2025, 3
Keywords: Arbitration agreement, partial invalidity, partnership disputes, severability clause
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Highest Regional Court of Bavaria (BayObLG), 1 October 2024, Case No. 101 Sch 45/24 e

The Highest Regional Court of Bavaria confirms restrictive approach of German courts to violations of the right to be heard applying standards for parties' ability to participate adequately in arbitration proceedings irrespective of illness/alleged poverty
GAD 2025, 2
Keywords: Foreign arbitral award, declaration of enforceability, public policy, right to be heard, postponement of hearing, poverty of a party, adequate participation in the arbitration proceedings, serious illness of a party, right to a public defender
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Higher Regional Court of Stuttgart (OLG Stuttgart), 11 June 2024, Case No. 1 Sch 2/24

Arbitral award for information disclosure does not violate public policy because contractual duty to inform outweighs privilege against self-incrimination
GAD 2025, 1
Keywords: Domestic arbitral award on agreed terms, declaration of enforceability, public policy, privilege against self-incrimination ("nemo tenetur-Grundsatz"), contractual duty to inform, legal interest ("Rechtsschutzbedürfnis") for application to set aside an arbitral award
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Higher Regional Court of Frankfurt (OLG Frankfurt), 5 March 2024, Case No. 26 SchH 8/23

Higher Regional Court of Frankfurt sheds light on the demarcation of jurisdiction between state courts and arbitral tribunals, upholding the German courts’ strict approach to waiving a form requirement
GAD 2024, 10
Keywords: Inadmissibility of arbitration proceedings, conflict of jurisdiction clauses, interpretation of a jurisdiction clause not expressly giving jurisdiction to state courts; requirements for waiver of a formal requirement by implied, form-free agreement
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Highest Regional Court of Bavaria (Bayerisches Oberstes Landesgericht, BayObLG), 12 December 2024, Case No. 102 SchH 114/23 e

In dubio pro arbitration: Highest Regional Court of Bavaria clarifies that expert determination clauses do not render arbitral proceedings inadmissible
GAD 2024, 9
Keywords: Arbitral proceedings, determination of inadmissibility, arbitration clause, expert determination clause, admissibility of arbitral proceedings
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Highest Regional Court of Bavaria (Bayerisches Oberstes Landesgericht, BayObLG), 13 September 2024, Case No. 101 Sch 146/23 e

With reference to the "Achmea Decision" of the European Court of Justice: No declaration of enforceability for cost decisions in arbitral awards based on arbitration agreements that are invalid under EU law
GAD 2024, 8
Keywords: Foreign arbitral award, cost decision, declaration of enforceability, recognition, invalid arbitration agreement, arbitration clause, violation of EU law, Achmea, lack of jurisdiction, objection, good faith, preliminary ruling, application and interpretation of EU law
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Higher Regional Court of Berlin (Kammergericht, KG), 6 November 2023, Case No. 12 SchH 9/22

Higher Regional Court of Berlin (KG) confirms inadmissibility of intra-EU arbitration proceedings under the Energy Charter Treaty and broad scope of application of Section 1032(2) German Code of Civil Procedure (ZPO)
GAD 2024, 7
Keywords: Inadmissibility of intra-EU investment arbitration, declaration on the admissibility of arbitration by German courts, scope of application of Section 1032(2) German Code of Civil Procedure (ZPO)
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German Federal Court of Justice (BGH), 13 December 2023, Case No. I ZB 37/23

German Federal Court of Justice bolsters the principle of "révision au fond", confirming that the allegedly wrongful consideration of evidence does not preclude the recognition of foreign arbitral awards
GAD 2024, 6
Keywords: Foreign arbitral award, declaration of enforceability, right to be heard, public policy, "révision au fond", China, New York Convention, arbitration agreement, grounds for refusal
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Higher Regional Court of Düsseldorf (Oberlandesgericht Düsseldorf, OLG Düsseldorf), 17 June 2024, Case No. I-26 W 7/24

No German anti-anti-suit injunction to protect foreign arbitration proceedings or assets abroad
GAD 2024, 5
Keywords: Anti-anti-suit-injunction, Russian court's anti-suit-injunction, international jurisdiction, access to justice
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German Federal Court of Justice (BGH), 11 July 2024, Case No. I ZB 34/23

"Signature could not be obtained" – but arbitral award is valid
GAD 2024, 4
Keywords: Form requirements, signature of award, omission of signature, obstructive arbitrator
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Higher Regional Court of Cologne (Oberlandesgericht Cologne, OLG Cologne), 2 Februar 2024, Case No. 19 Sch 21/23

Higher Regional Court of Cologne recognises and declares enforceable Swiss arbitral award based on arbitration agreement concluded under apparent authority
GAD 2024, 3
Keywords: Foreign arbitral awards, Switzerland, recognition and enforcement proceedings, grounds for refusal, New York Convention, arbitration agreement, conflict of laws, unauthorised agents, apparent authority, right to be heard, public policy, international sale of goods, CISG
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Highest Regional Court of Bavaria (Bayerisches Oberstes Landesgericht, BayObLG), 26 June 2024, Case No. 101 Sch 116/23

Highest Regional Court of Bavaria confirms restrictive approach of German courts to public policy violations deciding on virtual hearings and contractual penalties
GAD 2024, 2
Keywords: Foreign arbitral award, declaration of enforceability, public policy, révision au fond, wrong decision, contractual penalty, right to be heard, possibility of objection, postponement of hearing, video conference
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Higher Regional Court of Berlin (Kammergericht, KG), 1 June 2024, Case No. 12 SchH 5/22

Berlin court confirms binding nature of arbitration agreement in sanctions-related dispute with Russian party
GAD 2024, 1
Keywords: Contract termination, Russian sanctions, Russian Code of Commercial Procedure, declaration of admissibility of arbitral proceedings, anti-suit injunction, Hague Service Convention, public service
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