DAA/DIS/NAI Arbitration Group: Dutch-German views on commercial courts compared to arbitration from an academic, practitioner and in-house perspective

Newsletter 08/2023 - Upcoming Events

13 September 2023, Berlin
DAA/DIS/NAI Arbitration Group – connecting over Bitterballen & Brezn

Previous editions of the Newsletter have already reported on the DIS’ endeavours to promote the relations and networks between the German arbitration community and that of its neighbouring countries. In this edition we introduce the Dutch-German Arbitration Group of the Dutch Arbitration Association (DAA), DIS and the Netherlands Arbitration Institute (NAI).

The DAA/DIS/NAI Arbitration Group is currently co-chaired by Tom Claassens (Loyens & Loeff) and Andreas Hacke (Zwanzig Hacke Meilke & Partner). It consists of further 12 practitioners from Germany and the Netherlands, including Claudia Krapfl (Gleiss Lutz), Elke Umbeck (Heuking Kühn Lüer Wojtek), Rouven Bodenheimer (Bodenheimer), Melle Boevink (Loyens & Loeff), Jonas Hinrichsen (De Brauw Blackstone Westbroek), Christoph Jeloschek (Kennedy Van der Laan), Nils Kupka (Jones Day), Dr. Martin Lögering (Lebuhn & Puchta), Jan Ortgies (Iran-US Claims Tribunal), Stan Putter (HBN law & tax), Rogier Schellaars (Van Doorne) and Dirk Wiegandt (Hanefeld).

The DAA/DIS/NAI Arbitration Group first met virtually for a kick-off and get-to-know meeting at the end of September 2022 – for some a first connect and others a happy reunion with fellow practitioners from across the border. Quickly the group agreed to meet for its inaugural in-person meeting in Düsseldorf at the end of November 2022. Over the course of a Dutch lunch inspiring and interesting thoughts were exchanged as to what the purpose of the group could be and with what activities the group could contribute to the exchange between the two arbitral practices as well as draw the attention of in-house counsels and industry participants to arbitration on both sides of the border. The day ended in a festive spirit with mulled wine at the Düsseldorf Christmas market and the idea for a first joint event. After a follow-up meeting in Amsterdam in April 2023 this plan gradually assumed further shape.

The Berlin Dispute Resolution Days kindly offered the group a spot and Claudia Krapfl, Elke Umbeck, Jonas Hinrichsen, Dirk Wiegandt and Martin Lögering took it upon themselves to put together a programme around one of the hot topics in the German jurisdiction in 2023. Since the Bundesministerium der Justiz published the draft bill "Gesetz zur Stärkung des Justizstandortes Deutschland" in April 2023, introducing so-called commercial chambers and commercial courts as well as English as the court language for certain proceedings, much has already been reported. However, in a panel discussion led by Claudia Krapfl and Elke Umbeck, Giesela Rühl, LL.M. (Humboldt University Berlin), Thomas Stouten (Partner, Houthoff) and Arjan Waayer (Managing Counsel Global Litigation EMENA, Shell) discuss what experience and insights one can draw from the Netherlands, where commercial courts have been part of the judicial system already since 2019, from an academic, practitioner and in-house perspective.

Dutch-German Perspectives on Commercial Disputes

Date: 13 September 2023, 13.00h - 14.30h
Venue: Gleiss Lutz offices, Washingtonplatz 3, 10557 Berlin

For further information and registration, please refer to the website and the flyer.

Please register via e-mail: sabine.kalinowski(at)no_spamgleisslutz.com

The event is open to all arbitration practitioners, in-house counsels, industry participants and arbitration enthusiasts from Germany and the Netherlands (and beyond). The DAA/DIS/NAI Arbitration Group looks forward to experiencing a vivid discussion between the panelists, making room for new connections and hosting the networking exchange following the panel discussion. The group is further excited to announce new events in due course – stay tuned for more activities to connect over some Bitterballen and Brezn to come.


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