Lunch DIScussions: Streitbeilegung auf der Überholspur: neue Hochgeschwindigkeitsverfahren der UNCITRAL

Newsletter 11/2023 - Review Past Events

9 November 2023, Online

Working Group II of UNCITRAL (United Nations Commission on International Trade Law) is currently working on highly accelerated dispute resolution mechanisms after becoming aware of a specific demand in the high-tech sector and other industries.

The topic of the Lunch DIScussions was the current status of consultations on two model clauses: one provides for highly expedited arbitration with a proceeding period of 60 to 90 days, the other for a contractually binding decision by a neutral decision maker with a proceeding period of 30 days.

Judith Knieper, UNCITRAL, Vienna, and Volker Mahnken, CCRM, Neu-Isenburg, discussed the latest, still informal text proposals from the UNCITRAL Secretariat and the question of whether the project meets the practical needs of companies. A large number of recommendations provided by the participants, almost 100 in number, will now be incorporated into the further discussions of the model clauses by Working Group II.

The Lunch DIScussions were opened by Reinmar Wolff, Deputy Chairman of the DIS Board, and moderated by Thomas Klich, Deputy Secretary General of the DIS. Many thanks to all participants.

Thomas Klich


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