F.A.Z. Einspruch Podcast: Verdrängen Schiedsgerichte die staatliche Justiz?

Newsletter 11/2023 - Readings/Podcasts

4 October 2023

Podcast (in German): Stephan Klenner and Reinhard Müller (both F.A.Z Einspruch) discuss with BGH President Bettina Limperg and Stefan Kröll, Chairman of the Board of the German Institution of Arbitration, whether private arbitration agreements are a threat to German courts.

The President of the Federal Supreme Court does not see this danger in view of the limited number of arbitration cases. She acknowledges that arbitration with its advantages (choice of arbitrator, flexible procedural rules, time corridor) is an attractive offer for a limited group of addressees. However, there is no crowding-out situation. Rather, she speaks of a positive, cooperative competitive situation and points to the friendly dialogue that has developed in recent years between the parties involved on the various offers of arbitration and state jurisdiction.

Listen to more here


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