Lunch DIScussions: W&I Insurance Arbitration

Newsletter 1/2025 - Upcoming Events

13 February 2025, online

Warranty & Indemnity (W&I) insurance to cover contractual warranties has become indispensable in the context of complex M&A transactions. Accordingly, W&I disputes are now part of the typical portfolio of post-M&A arbitrations. Some of the largest arbitrations in recent years have been W&I insurance arbitrations.

These arbitration proceedings and the underlying facts are complex. As they are involving multi-party and multi-contract disputes, liability and coverage issues, the amounts in dispute are often high.

Lars Harzmeier (Linklaters), Sven Förster (Clyde & Co) and Oliver Sieg (Noerr) will discuss the perspectives of companies, insurers and other parties involved and the pitfalls, opportunities and risks they have encountered during their years of experience.

You are cordially invited to join the discussion!

Lunch DIScussions: W&I Insurance Arbitration

Date: 13 February 2025, 1.00 - 2.00 pm
The event will take place as a video conference.

For further information and registration, please refer to the programme or to our event website.

Your DIS Team

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