Review DIS goes Vis: The Efficiency Breakfast

Newsletter 06/2023 - Past Events

3 April 2023, Vienna

For the first time the DIS was hosting a side event of the Willem C. Vis International Commercial Arbitration Moot. We were very pleased to have more than 40 international guests who actively discussed efficiency in arbitration proceedings.

First, Ramona Schardt, Secretary General of the DIS, provided insights into how in-house counsel can take an active stance and manage arbitration proceedings efficiently. She also discussed with the international audience the various efficiency measures under the DIS Rules and the important role of the institution to improve efficiency in arbitration.

Thereafter, the Chairman of the DIS and Vis Moot Director Stefan Kröll shortly looked at efficiency from an arbitrators perspective. He advocated a pro-active approach by the tribunals to streamline arbitral proceedings.
Our thanks to CMS for making their nice premises in Vienna available for this event.

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