BUJ meets DIS - Joint event of Dispute Resolution Working Group of the Bundesverband der Unternehmensjuristen (BUJ) and the DIS

Newsletter 5/2024 - Past Events

11 September 2024, Berlin

During the Berlin Dispute Resolution Days, a first joint event took place on Wednesday 11 September as part of the BUJ's Unternehmensjuristenkongress. The event was a great success with almost 30 participants.

In addition to an introduction to the activities of the DIS and the BUJ working group, current topics in the field of dispute resolution were discussed, which will be further addressed in the next working group meetings and the summit.

These topics include

  • AI in arbitration
  • Third-party notices in arbitration proceedings
  • Consumer protection in ADR
  • Private enforcement
  • Dealing with the effects of a possible liberalisation of the form of arbitration agreements

The event was a perfect kick-off to further intensify the cooperation between the DIS and the Dispute Resolution Group of the BUJ, chaired by Heike Brehm, Siemens AG, Glenn Baumgarten, Deutsche Telekom AG, and Matthias Hart, Merck KGaA. This cooperation promises interesting new perspectives for all involved.

Thomas Klich

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