News from the Secretary General

Newsletter 05/2024 - News from the Secretary General


Dear members, colleagues and friends,

As you can see from this issue, a lot has happened at the DIS in the last two months! We launched the German Arbitration Digest, formalised cooperation agreements with CEIA, CIAM and ICA and strengthened the collaboration with the BUJ.

The DIS was represented at various international events in Singapore, Beijing, Vienna, and Tallinn. However, the highlight for me was undoubtedly the Berlin Dispute Resolution Days, featuring 37 side events, and our flagship Autumn Conference focusing on innovation in arbitration. I was particularly pleased to see how much this event has grown - this year, we welcomed over 400 participants from 30 countries. It is an impressive milestone that underlines the global reach of our work!

We have also expanded and strengthened our team in Berlin and Bonn. I am glad to introduce Anne Schlenstedt, our first Legal Operations Manager. Anne brings extensive experience in legal operations, which will be invaluable for us as we continue to digitise and streamline our services. You can find more about our digitalisation strategy in the next newsletter - so stay tuned!

We are also delighted to welcome Camillia Serry and Julia Sommer to our Case Management Team as Case Administrators. Their skills and expertise will be a great asset to our work. You can read more about them below.

Looking ahead to the autumn, we have an exciting line-up of events planned around the world, including Seoul, Liechtenstein, New York and Berlin. With such a busy calendar, it promises to be a dynamic season!

I wish you all a wonderful autumn and look forward to seeing many of you at our upcoming events.

Warm regards,

Ramona Schardt

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