News from the Secretary General

Newsletter 04/2024 - News from the Secretary General


Dear members, colleagues and friends,

I am pleased to share some wonderful news with you in this summer edition of our Newsletter.

The DIS has been buzzing with activity over the past month. We kicked off our regional groups in Rhine/Ruhr, Munich, Berlin, Stuttgart and Frankfurt am Main with fantastic events. It was inspiring to see so many of you come together and I am confident that these groups will grow into vibrant and enriching communities.

We also launched our new DIS Industry Group Technology, bringing together in-house counsel from high-tech industries and arbitration practitioners to discuss efficient and effective resolution of technology disputes. Additionally, the DIS Technology Practice Group has completed its final report, offering valuable insights into the intersection of technology and arbitration. In this context don't miss our latest interview with “digital coffee break” on how technology sharpens developments at DIS. Clearly, technology is at the heart of what we do!

We have also strengthened the DIS team in our Bonn office. I am pleased to introduce Vivien Herrmann, the newest member of our Case Management team. Vivien’s extensive expertise and experience is a great addition to our team. You can read more about Vivien's background and role below.

With that I would like to wish you all a happy and relaxing summer and hope to see many of you at our autumn conference in Berlin in September 2024.

Warm regards,

Ramona Schardt

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