DIS Berlin: Summer Picnic

Newsletter 4/2024 - Past Events

24 June 2024, Berlin

We are happy to announce that the DIS Berlin group is off to a good start! The newly re-opened Hegelplatz served as a wonderful outdoor venue for our kick-off summer picknick, allowing old and new faces in the arbitration community to mingle in a family friendly leisurely manner.

While the little ones played ball and ping pong, the less playful gathered around the grand seigneur of corporate dispute resolution and new head of BVG’s legal department, Alexander Steinbrecher, who presented his “10 Golden Rules” for successful corporate conflict resolution. The core message: be curious if you want to resolve a dispute efficiently. Without knowing your opponents and their interests, even the most sophisticated legal arguments might not get you very far. Thank so much, Alexander!

A big hand also goes out to Katharina Meyer and Zeineb Aoun for taking care of refreshments and making sure everyone’s Aperol Spritz was cold on this warm evening. And to the IDR LLM class of 2024 for contributing the snacks!

Special mention: Lars Nümann came all the way from Rostock and made it clear that DIS Berlin needs to cover more than just the area of greater Berlin. And of course, we greatly appreciate that DIS Board Director Reinmar Wolff joined us from Marburg with a helping hand just for the occasion!

As the next step, a survey will be launched to inquire about specific interests amongst the Berlin group members. So stay tuned and find out how the journey continues. The next event is planned for autumn.

Philipp Wagner and Alicja Zielinska-Eisen

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