Visit of international LL.M. students from Saarland University

Newsletter 3/2024 - Past Events

29 April 2024, Bonn

On 29 April 2024, the DIS had the great pleasure of hosting a group of international LL.M. students with Stefan Weber from Saarland University at the DIS Office Bonn. The visit provided a fine opportunity for the future legal minds to immerse themselves in the practical aspects of international arbitration.

Chun-Kyung Paulus Suh and Daniel Gerl guided the students through the DIS Villa and Park, setting the stage for an in-depth exploration of institutional arbitration practices. Insights into the administration of arbitral proceedings, providing the students with a deeper understanding of the operational dynamics within an established international arbitral institution, were shared.
We hope that the visit was an enriching experience for the students. The DIS remains committed to fostering dialogue and learning between practitioners and interested students as well as supporting educational initiatives that enhance understanding and competence in international arbitration.

Daniel Gerl


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