DIS Summer Party 2024

Newsletter 3/2024 - Upcoming Events

28 June 2024, Bonn

We would like to invite you to our this year's summer party. Celebrate with us in a relaxed atmosphere in our beautiful garden in Bonn. You can expect a pleasant evening with culinary delights and a selection of drinks. Take the opportunity to make new contacts and cultivate existing relationships. Get to know the DIS team in person.

DIS Summer Party 2024

Date: Friday, 28 June 2024, start 4.00 pm
Venue: DIS, Villa Marienforst, Marienforster Str. 52, 53177 Bonn

You can find the invitation to the summer party here (in German).

For further information and registration please refer to the invitation or to our website.

Your DIS Team


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