RTMKM@DIS: Round Table on Mediation and Conflict Management of the German Economy (RTMKM)

Newsletter 2/2024 - Past Events

27 February 2024, Bonn

On February 27, 2024, a meeting of Round Table on Mediation and Conflict Management of the German Economy (RTMKM) was hosted by DIS in Bonn. The meeting started with a focus on arbitration with an interesting panel discussion on 'Time as a procedural criterion and approaches to acceleration'.

Participants in the panel, moderated by Florian Cahn (Framatome), were Patricia Nacimiento (Herbert Smith Freehills), Heiko Haller (Baker McKenzie), and Carlo Ottaviano (GC Tennet). They also discussed the possibilities of combining arbitration and mediation.

Afterwards, Ulrich Hagel (Alstom) presented the DIS-KMO (Conflict Management Rules) and a comparison with the RTMKM tool DiReCT, followed by a "collegial consultation" moderated by Christian Wentorp (Hamburger Sparkasse) on the topic "Why has the DIS-KMO been used so seldom up to now and how could the KMO be made more attractive?".

It was an exciting and enriching exchange with high added value for all participants.

Thomas Klich


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