DIS Gender Statistics and DIS-ERA Pledge Gender Champion Initiative

Newsletter 1/2024 - News

DIS Gender Statistics and DIS-ERA Pledge Gender Champion Initiative
DIS Gender Statistics 2023 - Record Number of Female Arbitrators Appointed

The DIS is a signatory to the ERA Pledge and collects and publishes statistics on the appointment of arbitrators in DIS-administered arbitrations.

The DIS Gender Statistics for the year 2023 shows a record high for the appointment of female arbitrators in DIS arbitrations (24.34%, up from 23.58% in 2022) and a record high for the appointment of female party-nominated arbitrators (17.86%, up from 17.04% in 2022).  Of the DIS-nominated arbitrators appointed in 2023, 53.85%  were women (up from 44.4% in 2022).

Of all three-member tribunals constituted in 2013, 47% were all male and 2% were all female. Looking at the composition of arbitral tribunals in 2023, 22% of presiding arbitrators, 52% of sole arbitrators and 20% of co-arbitrators were female.

The figures for 2023 show that we are moving in the right direction in terms of fair in terms of the fair representation of women in arbitral tribunals in DIS-administered proceedings. This achievement would not have been possible without the support and efforts of our dedicated Gender Champions.

In 2024, the DIS will build on its achievements and continue its efforts to promote gender diversity in arbitral appointments, always balancing this responsibility with its obligation to the parties to ensure that the most qualified arbitrator is selected for a particular dispute.

DIS-ERA Pledge Gender Champion Initiative – February Call

The key drivers in achieving parity in DIS arbitration are the parties and their representatives, who nominate the majority of arbitrators in DIS proceedings.

This is where the DIS-ERA Pledge Gender Champion Initiative comes into play.  

Participating firms and organisations are asked to nominate a person to act as a Gender Champion within their organisation. The Gender Champions track the appointment of female and male arbitrators nominated by their companies. The statistical data collected by the Gender Champions will remain within their firms and will not be recorded or published. 

The idea behind the Gender Champion Initiative is to raise awareness of gender equality in international arbitration through statistical self-monitoring. The Gender Champions share their experiences in regular conference calls with DIS and ERA Pledge. 

The next scheduled call with the Gender Champions will take place on 2 February 2024.

If you are interested in the initiative and/or in joining our next call on Friday, 2 February 2024, you are very welcome.  Please write to genderchampions(at)no_spamdisarb.org and we will send you details.

Carina Alcoberro