Effective Cross-Examination – An International Perspective


At the occasion of the Solidarity Arbitration and Mediation Days 2024 (SAMD), the DIS, together with the Polish Chamber of Commerce (KIG) and Young ArbitralWomen Practitioners (YAWP) will organize a workshop for young practitioners on "Effective Cross-Examination – An International Perspective".

In the workshop, practitioners from Poland, the UK and Germany) will share their experience, using real life examples to provide insight into the art of cross-examining witnesses and experts, as the effective preparation therefor.

Effective Cross-Examination – An International Perspective

Date: Thursday, 24 October 2024, 5.30 - 7.30 pm
Venue: Court of Arbitration at the Polish Chamber of Commerce in Warsaw, 4 Trębacka Str., 00-074 Warsaw, Poland

Please register via this Link.

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