Diversity Retreat


200,00 €

Veranstalter: ArbitralWomen and DIS40

We are proud to invite you to help us elevate diversity in dispute resolution to the next level!

Join us for a cozy winter weekend where we will delve into key aspects of diversity and inclusion, discuss strategies how to balance care responsibilities with career aspirations, and explore, under the guidance of a professional diversity trainer, how to “Speak up!” when experiencing or witnessing an inappropriate situation in the workplace.

The retreat offers an exclusive opportunity for a small group of 30 participants to connect and network in an intimate setting. With inspiring speakers and a diverse range of interactive formats, including workshops, this event promises to be a unique platform for exploring solutions to make dispute resolution a more inclusive and welcoming space where everyone feels a sense of belonging.

Organised in collaboration between DIS40 and ArbitralWomen, the retreat is open to arbitration practitioners and enthusiasts of all genders.

Diversity Retreat

Date: Friday, 21 February and Saturday, 22 February 2025
Venue: Hotel Jagdschloss Kranichstein, Kranichsteiner Straße 261, 64289 Darmstadt

For further information please see the flyer. The event will be in English.

Esteemed speakers include:

  • Julian Bickmann (WAGNER Arbitration)
  • Antonia Füller (rothorn legal)
  • Stuti Gadodia (Freshfields)
  • Annabelle Ganapol (FEROX legal)
  • Rabia Küçükşahin (A&O Shearman)
  • Courtney Lotfi (Counsel and Arbitrator)
  • Ibukunoluwa Owa (Nigeria Data Protection Commission)
  • Annett Rombach (ROMBACH Lawyers)
  • Beyhan Şentürk (Coach, Trainer, and Diversity Advisor)
  • Malte Stübinger (Deminor)
Registration information

The registration fee for the Diversity Retreat is EUR 200,00 € plus VAT and incudes participation in the retreat and scheduled meals.

By booking you accept the General Terms and Conditions for Conferences and Workshops.

Please note that the registration fee does not include the costs of overnight accommodation. Participants wishing to stay at Hotel Jagdschloss Kranichstein are encouraged to make their reservations directly with the hotel.

The number of participants for the event is limited. Tickets will be sold on a first come, first served basis.

We kindly ask for timely registration on or before 15 February 2025.

To register, please use the registration box below.

When registering, please be sure to give the correct, invoiceable address. In case of doubt, please contact your accounting department.

If you have any questions about the Diversity Retreat, please contact dis40(at)no_spamdisarb.org.

Hotel reservation

The Diversity Retreat will be held at Hotel Jagdschloss Kranichstein. While a stay at Hotel Jagdschloss Kranichstein is not mandatory, we highly recommend that all participants stay overnight there to get the most of the retreat experience. A block booking under the title “Diversity Retreat” has been made at the special rate of EUR 131,41 and EUR 151,78 per night, respectively.

This block booking is available until 20 January 2025.

Bookings can be made via this email address: reservierung(at)no_spamhotel-jagdschloss-kranichstein.de.


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