The procedures of international arbitration and mediation are greatly influenced by the legal culture of the parties and the legal system of the competent jurisdiction. Japan is considered civil law jurisdiction, but it has commonalities and differences with Germany. In this seminar, JAA invites a representative of the German Arbitration Institute (DIS) and prominent arbitrators, mediators, and practitioners from Germany, Japan, Hong Kong/UK, Singapore, and will have two panel discussions to discuss the effective use of arbitration/mediation and the involvement of the courts from a comparative perspective.
Hybrid event
DIS@JAA Arbitration Day: How to Facilitate Civil Law Platform and Proceeding of Arbitration/Mediation-collaborative Progress – including Comparison with Common-Law Perspectives
Date: 12 March 2025, 5.00 – 7.00 pm
Venue: Japan Federation of Bar Associations, Bar Associations Building, 17th Floor, Room 1702, 1-1-3 Kasumigaseki, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, Japan
For further information please refer to the programme. The participation in this event is free of charge.
For registration, please send an e-mail to jaa-info(at) by Friday,
7 March 2025, indicating:
(1) your participation in the above event (whether you attend by Zoom or in person),
(2) your name,
(3) your organization, and
(4) your e-mail address.
In-person attendance is maximum 30 participants (in order of application).
Zoom webinar information will be sent later.