DIS goes Vis 2025: The Breakfast – Multi-Tier-Dispute Resolution Clause


Pre-Arbitration ADR Proceedings play an increasing role in practice. They can contribute to a cost and time-efficient resolution of the Parties' dispute. At the same time they raise a number of questions as to their enforceability which will be discussed in the event from the different perspectives (in-house / instutition / counsel).

DIS goes Vis: The Breakfast
Multi-Tier-Dispute Resolution Clause – Views from (German) Practice

Date: 14 April 2025, 8.30 - 10.30 am
Venue: CMS Reich-Rohrwig Hainz Rechtsanwälte GmbH, Gauermanngasse 2, 1010 Vienna, Austria

Further information will follow.


Please register by 7 April 2025. The registration open soon. 

By registering you accept the DIS General Terms and Conditions for Conferences and Workshops. Participation in this event is free of charge.

Please address any questions to events(at)no_spamdisarb.org.

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