Please note: The event is postponed. The new date will follow soon.
22. Apr 2024
Veranstalter: CEA, CIAM and DIS
The Joint Working Group of the German Arbitration Institute DIS, the Spanish Arbitration Institution CIAM-CIAR and the Spanish Arbitration Association CEIA organizes a one-day event in Madrid on 22 April 2024, 9.00 am - 7.00 pm, on the occasion of the signature of the Collaboration Agreements of DIS with CEIA and CIAM-CIAR, respectively.
In the first part of the event, under the moderation of Heidi López Castro, Konstantin Tschöpe and Erik Schäfer, three different panels (consisting of three German and three Spanish distinguished arbitration practitioners) will address the methods, techniques and approaches deployed by arbitrators in order to structure, understand and analyze the parties’ positions, i.e. their factual assertions and legal arguments. The process of structuring and understanding the parties’ positions (albeit rarely being looked at) is of particular importance because it is typically preceding, and thus forming the basis of, the decisions on how to manage the arbitration procedurally and, more importantly, how to decide the case.
In the second part of the event, under the moderation of Josef Fröhlingsdorf, the panel will discuss the different focus the mentioned institutions have, considering the fact that DIS is both an arbitral institution as well as an arbitration association, whereas CEIA Club Español e Iberoamericano del Arbitraje is focused on the activity as an Arbitral association and CIAM only acts as an Arbitral institution.
The panel, composed of the representatives of DIS, Secretary General Ramona Schardt and Mariana Candido, José María Alonso Puig, President of CIAM, and Krystle Baptista Serna, Secretary General of CEIA, will explain, comment and discuss the particularities of their respective activities, their experiences and the organizational structure of the respective entities they represent as well as the specific focus they follow, like Latin America and its Arbitration Community in the case of CEIA and CIAM.
Johannes Pitsch will inform about the project Amigos del CIAM en Alemania and Jacqueline López will briefly inform about the work of the Chapter of Germany and Austria as one of the internal working Groups within the CEIA Organization.
The event takes place in english. For further information please refer to the flyer.
The event ends with the signature of the Collaboration Agreements of DIS with CEIA and CIAM, respectively, followed by Spanish vino y tapas.
Registration can be made until 17 April 2024 via e-mail to administracion(at)