Bridging Arbitration Practices: Strengthening Connections between DIS and North Africa


Veranstalter: CRCICA/DIS Arbitration Group in Co-operation with IFRIQYA Arbitration Forum

New energy partnerships, nearshoring in the automotive and textile production, outsourcing in the IT industry: North Africa is an important strategic partner for German enterprises and an investment destination of increasing importance. What opportunities do these trends bring in the field of arbitration? And what can German and North African arbitration practitioners do to enhance their cooperation? This and other topics will be discussed.

CRCICA/DIS Arbitration Group in Co-operation with IFRIQYA Arbitration Forum

Bridging Arbitration Practices: Strengthening Connections between DIS and North Africa

Date: 11 September 2024 at 6 pm
Venue: Amereller Rechtsanwälte, Kurfürstenhöfe, Spreeufer 5, 10178 Berlin

For further information please refer to the programme.


Please register, preferably on or before 8 September 2024, by email: behm(at) By registering you accept the DIS General Terms and Conditions for Conferences and Workshops.

For questions, please do not hesitate to contact Ms Karoline Behm (behm(at) , (+49 30  609 895 660).

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