McQuillen, Monika

Rechtsanwältin LL.M., Mediatorin SAV/SKWM

Jahrgang 1966

Aktuelle Tätigkeit

Monika McQuillen is a Partner in the dispute resolution boutique law firm Lustenberger + Partners in Zurich specialized in dispute avoidance and dispute resolution.


Bau- und Ingenieursektor
Energie und Strom
Forschung & Entwicklung
Geistiges Eigentum
Infrastruktur- und Transportsektor
Informationstechnologie (IT)
Vertrieb und Franchise


Alternative Streitbeilegung (ADR)
Civil Law
Internationales Privatrecht


  • Since 2021: Mediator at
  • Since 2019: Partner with Lustenberger + Partners
  • 2008 - 2019: Partner with Eversheds Sutherland AG, Zurich, Dispute Resolution and Employment Practice Group
  • 2004 - 2007: Associate and Trainee with Werder Attorneys at Law, Zurich
  • 1999 - 2003: Research assistant for Professor Dr. iur. Roger Zaech, Faculty of Private, Commercial and European Law, University of Zurich
  • 1988 - 1994: Henkel Corporation, Pennsylvania/US; Henkel KGaA, Duesseldorf, Germany

Schiedsgerichtliche Erfahrung

Monika has a notable track record as counsel and arbitrator in international arbitrations under the ICC, UNCITRAL and Swiss Rules. She is also experienced as a commercial mediator, and regularly acts as counsel in lower and higher Swiss Cantonal Courts and the Federal Tribunal. Examples of her arbitral practice include: Acting as counsel for a joint venture partner in a USD 220 million ICC arbitration against the joint venture leader concerning the early termination of a construction contract for an infrastructure project in the Middle-East; Defence of a med-tech manufacturer against a former Egyptian distributor in an ICC arbitration concerning the termination of a long-term distribution relationship; Defence of a pharma company in an ICC arbitration in relation to a claim for licence fees following the first commercial sale of drugs based on regulatory approvals; Representing a founding equity partner against an international law firm in an UNCITRAL arbitration regarding the unlawful termination of the partnership agreement by the law firm; appointment as Sole Arbitrator in a dispute concerning equity participation schemes under Swiss Rules.





  • Zurich and Swiss Bar Associations (ZBA/SBA)
  • Swiss Arbitration Association (ASA)
  • German Institution of Arbitration (DIS)
  • Swiss Chamber of Commercial Mediation (SCCM)
  • International Bar Association (IBA)
  • Inter-Pacific Bar Association (IPBA)
  • International Association of Defense Counsel (IADC)

Weitere Informationen

Swiss qualified attorney-at-law, LL.M. in German law, Bachelor in Business Administration 2021: Singapore International Mediator Accreditation Workshop 2017: Certified Specialist SBA Employment Law 2015: Certified Mediator SBA / SCCM 2010: University of Cologne, LL.M., specialization in arbitration (summa cum laude) 2007: Zurich Bar, admitted to all Swiss courts 1999: University of Zurich, lic. iur. (magna cum laude) 1988: Cooperative State University of Mannheim, B.A. Business Administration, Germany

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