Rechtsanwalt (WAGNER Arbitration).
Aktuelle Tätigkeit
Schiedsgerichtliche Erfahrung
Counsel und Secretary (DIS, ICC, UNCITRAL, PCA, ICSID, DIA, ad-hoc).
- Breaking Ground or Playing Safe? Evaluating the Proposed Changes in German Arbitration Law, Revista Brasileira de Arbitragem, Issue 78 (2023), p. 225 et seq.
- The Application of Sec. 25(1) HGB to Arbitration Agreements, German Arbitration Journal (SchiedsVZ) 2023, 157 (together with Dr. Joseph Schwartz, and Lukas Buchholz)
- Business Continuation and Arbitration Agreements under German Law, Kluwer Arbitration Blog (10 July 2023, together with Dr. Joseph Schwartz, and Lukas Buchholz)
- Germany: International Arbitration Laws and Regulations 2023, The International Comparative Legal Guide - International Arbitration 2023 (together with Dr. Joseph Schwartz)
- Fact-Finding in International Arbitration: The Emergence of a Transnational Lex Evidentiae, Kluwer Law International, International Arbitration Law Library #67, also available via
- Arbitration in Brazil: An Overview, German Arbitration Journal (SchiedsVZ) 2021, 84 (together with Anna-Katharina Scheffer da Silveira and Fábio Cavalcante)
- Germany: International Arbitration Laws and Regulations 2020, The International Comparative Legal Guide - International Arbitration 2020 (together with Dr. Joseph Schwartz)
- Das Sondervotum (dissenting opinion) im deutschen Schiedsverfahrensrecht, Gesellschafts- und Wirtschaftsrecht (GWR) 2020, p. 295 et seq. (together with Dr. Philipp K Wagner, LL.M)
- Arbitrating under the 2018 DIS Rules: Recent developments, Revista Brasileira de Arbitragem, Issue 59 (2018), p. 80 et seq. (together with Fábio Cavalcante)