Gwynn, Maria A.

Dr. MJur (Oxon)

Institute of International Law, University of Bonn
International Law

Aktuelle Tätigkeit

International Lawyer. International Arbitrator .


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  • International Law
  • International Investments
  • Treaties
  • Energy
  • Environment
  • International Watercourses
  • Sports Law



  • International Lawyer. International Arbitrator at the Court of Arbitration for Sports
  • Senior Fellow, International Law Institute, University of Bonn
  • Governing Council Member Binational Entity ITAIPU
  • Professor. Advanced Institute of Strategic Studies, Paraguay
  • International Association for Water Law (AIDA) Representative to UN Water
  • International Hydropower Association (IHA) Fellow
  • Member of the National Climate Change Commission of Paraguay (2020-2023)
  • Oxford Princeton Global Leaders Fellow (2016-2018)
  • Senior Research Associate, Global Economic Governance, University of Oxford
  • Specialisation on Private International Law, The Hague Academy of International Law
  • Dr. Phil. Bergische Universität Wuppertal
  • Magister Juris, Faculty of Law, University of Oxford
  • LLB Honours. Faculty of Law. National University of Asunción.

Schiedsgerichtliche Erfahrung

International Arbitrator, Court of Arbitration for Sports; Counsel in private legal practice; State to State International Dispute Settlement mechanisms.


  • “Adapting Watercourse Agreements to Developments in International Law: The Case of the Itaipu Treaty” Brill Research Perspectives in International Water Law. Vol 4. Issue 1, 2019
  • “Settlement of Water-Related Disputes in International Law” In (eds) Russell Buchan Daniel Franchini Nicholas Tsagourias. The Changing Character of International Dispute Settlement: Challenges and Prospects. Cambridge University Press. 2024.
  • “International Law and Transboundary Dams: Lessons learned from the Binational Entity ITAIPU (Brazil and Paraguay)” 5 Frontiers in Climate, section Climate Law and Policy: 1-4. 2023
  • “Power in the International Investment Framework” Palgrave Macmillan. UK. 2016
  • “The Uses of Common and Shared Natural Resources: A Tragedy or a Chance for Governance?” 3 Unweltrechtliche Beiträge aus Wissenschaft und Praxis 2020: 97–156. 2020
  • “Contratos Internacionales para el sector Privado” Editorial El Lector Asuncion-Paraguay. 2007
  • “Bilateral Investment Treaties of South American Countries and their Consequences at the International Level” Publication with Bergische Universität Wuppertal, Germany, 2015.
  • “Balancing the State’s Right to Regulate with Foreign Investment Protection: A Perspective considering Investment Disputes of the South American Region” Groningen Journal of International Law, Vol.6, Issue 1, 2018
  • “UNCITRAL and the Possibility of Returning to the Multilateral Regulation of Foreign Investments”, Vol. 4 of the “Proceedings of the Congress of the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law”, 2017
  • “South American Countries’ Bilateral Investment Treaties: A Structuralist Perspective” Journal of International Dispute Settlement, Vol. 6, pp. 97-117, 2015
  • World Bank Publications, Doing Business. World Bank Publishing 2007, 2009, 2010.


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  • English; Spanish; German


  • Court of Arbitration for Sports
  • European-Latin American Arbitration Association

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