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DIS@HIAD: Efficiency in the Digital Age

Hamburg International Arbitration Days 2024

Paris Arbitration Week 2024

Arbitration Backstage: How to Choose, Prepare and Cross-Examine Fact and Expert Witnesses – Standards and Trends

XVI Belgrade Open Pre-Moot, supported by DIS and XIV Belgrade Arbitration Conference

DIS40 Rhein/Ruhr: Lunch with Colleagues

DIS@Tokyo: Japanese and German Perspectives on Post M&A Disputes

Lunch DIScussions: The limits of the discounted cash flow approach: The good, the bad and the ugly

Road to Vienna 2024: DIS Pre-Moot

DIS40 London Stammtisch

Webinar on the Draft Bill for the Modernisation of Arbitration Law

20. Petersberger Schiedstage 2024: Schiedsgerichtsbarkeit in Zeiten von Krieg und Krisen

8th CARTAL Conference on International Arbitration

DIS@Singapore: Asian and German Perspectives on Post M&A Disputes

Webinar zum Referentenentwurf eines Gesetzes zur Modernisierung des Schiedsverfahrensrechts

DIS40 Stuttgart Pre-Moot 2024

Lunch DIScussions: Dispute Resolution in the Digital Economy: Empfehlen sich Regeln der UNCITRAL zu E-Awards und elektronischer Verfahrenseinleitung?

ASA below 40 and Friends // Swiss Arbitration Summit: Advocacy in Arbitration Workshop

Arbitration in Africa - Seizing Opportunities in a Growing Investment Landscape

Swiss Arbitration Summit 2024

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