DIS Membership



DIS Membership is open to any natural or legal person with an interest in arbitration and alternative dispute resolution.

The DIS has more than 1,600 members based in Germany and overseas, including economic and trade organisations and chambers of commerce, leading German companies, judges, lawyers and academics. The DIS organises conferences, seminars and other events for its members.

Members may determine their annual membership contribution themselves; however, a minimum annual contribution of 200 € for natural persons and 300 € for legal persons applies. For individuals aged 35 years or younger, the minimum annual membership contribution is 150 €.

Benefits of DIS membership

DIS members receive the following benefits:

Networking opportunities
The possibility to join our networks for various target groups (industry sectors, regional and bilateral arbitration groups, specialisations, etc.)

German Arbitration Journal (SchiedsVZ)
You will receive a printed version of the German Arbitration Journal (SchiedsVZ) six times a year. The journal is published in cooperation with C.H. Beck. The journal publishes articles on topics related to arbitration and ADR, written in German and English.

Inclusion in the DIS mailing list: up-to-date information from the national, European and international arbitration and ADR communities about conferences, events, new initiatives and publications.

Access to the DIS members’ area
Online access to the DIS members’ area (icon top right in the upper menu) where members can manage their public profile and showcase their competences.

Option extended profile: Optimized visibility
Complete your profile by adding professional focus, experience, a photograph or information about your current publications. learn more

Conferences and other events
Notice of all upcoming conferences and seminars organised by the DIS and reduced registration fees for these events. The DIS events are an excellent networking opportunity for anyone interested in arbitration and alternative dispute resolution. DIS members may also receive a certificate of attendance for purposes of Section 15 of the Specialist Lawyers' Code (Fachanwaltsordnung - FAO) for participation in free DIS events.

Become a member

There are two ways to become a member. Fill out the online form which you can access at the bottom of the page via one of the two tiles "Become a DIS member" or "Become a DIS member as a company" depending on the type of membership.

Or you use one of the fillable PDF forms - simply download, fill in, print and return it by e-mail to welcome(at)no_spamdisarb.org or fax it to the number +49 30 4170 7070 7.

Authorisation to represent at DIS general assemblies

Corporate DIS members can authorize employees or members of their organs to exercise their membership rights at DIS general assemblies.

Proof of authorization must be provided in text form at the beginning of the general assembly at the latest. DIS provides a form to facilitate authorization which can be retrieved here.

Become a
DIS Member


Become a
DIS company member

Access to the DIS members' area

Member directory

Important notice: Outdated web browser INTERNET EXPLORER

The DIS website is not fully compatible with the outdated web browser INTERNET EXPLORER, for which security updates are no longer being provided. Some important functions of the website are not available (e.g. cost calculator, member access) or availability is limited (e.g. event area) with INTERNET EXPLORER.
For full use of the DIS website, please switch to an up to date web browser such as Chrome, Edge, Firefox or Safari.