DIS Sponsorship Award

Networks & Young Talent


The German Arbitration Institute (DIS) rewards young academics in the field of alternative dispute resolution with the DIS Sponsorship Award. The award is granted every two years for an outstanding academic work (e.g. dissertation or a post-doctoral thesis) and it is valued at € 10,000.

The winners of the sponsorship award will be chosen by a selection committee consisting of the following members:

  • Prof. Dr. Antje Baumann, Baumann Resolving Disputes, Hamburg
  • Siegfried H. Elsing, Orrick Herrington & Sutcliffe, Düsseldorf
  • Joachim Münch, Georg-August-University of Göttingen
  • Dorothee Ruckteschler, Dorothee Ruckteschler Dispute Resolution, Stuttgart

Current announcement 2025/2026

The current announcement of the DIS Sponsorship Award can be found here:

DIS Sponsorship Award 2025/2026

DIS Sponsorship Award archive

On 2 May 2024, the DIS Sponsorship Award 2023/2024 was awarded at the DIS Spring event. This was the twelfth time that the DIS Sponsorship Award was presented for an outstanding academic paper (e.g. dissertation, post-doctoral thesis) in the field of alternative dispute resolution. A total of 15 academic works were submitted.

The jury, consisting of Siegfried H. Elsing, Joachim Münch, Dorothee Ruckteschler and Ingeborg Schwenzer, exceptionally decided to award only one prize this year: the dissertation of Emmanuel O. Igbokwe entitled "Dealing with Bribery and Corruption in International Commercial Arbitration: To Investigate or Not to Investigate".

The paper examines the question of whether arbitrators in international commercial arbitration are entitled, or even obliged, to investigate allegations of bribery or corruption on their own initiative. The dissertation will also make concrete proposals. The jury expects the dissertation to have a lasting impact on future professional discussions.

The winner will receive a cash prize of EUR 10,000.

The DIS congratulates the winner on his outstanding achievement and thanks the jury for their tireless efforts!

List of participants

This year, the DIS Sponsorship Award was awarded for the eleventh time. A total of 16 scientific papers in the field of alternative dispute resolution were submitted.

The jury, consisting of Siegfried Elsing, Joachim Münch, Dorothee Ruckteschler and Ingeborg Schwenzer, awarded four papers this year:

Sebastian Breder's dissertation as first place winner, Vincent Wächter's dissertation as second place winner and the two dissertations by Ilka H. Beimel and by Emmanouil Mavrantonakis as third place winners.

The winners share the prize money of 10,000 EUR.

The DIS congratulates the winners for their outstanding achievements and thanks the jury for their tireless efforts!


The DIS will award a prize in 2011/12 for the advancement of young academics in the field of arbitration and related areas. The applicationb deadline expired on June 30, 2011.


The DIS awarded a prize in 2009/10 for the advancement of young academics in the field of arbitration and related areas, which was awarded on April 29, 2010 at the DIS Spring Conference.

The winners of the prize were Dr. Ben Steinbrück, Dr. Jens Gal, Dr. Christian Koller, Dr. Karsten Hofmann and Dr. Ingrid Naumann. A total of thirteen research papers were submitted. The papers were of a very high academic standard and dealt with a broad spectrum of current questions in national and international dispute resolution.


The DIS awarded a prize in 2007/08 for the advancement of young academics in the field of arbitration and related areas, which was awarded on 24. April 2008.

The winners of the prize were RAin Dr. Claudia Krapfl, Dr. Katharina Hilbig, Dr. Martin Illmer M.Jur and RA Dr. Philipp K. Wagner LL.M. A total of fourteen research papers were submitted. The papers were of a very high academic standard and dealt with a broad spectrum of current questions in national and international dispute resolution.


On May 11, 2006, the German Institution of Arbitration (DIS) for the third time running awarded a prize for academic work in the field of alternative dispute resolution.

The winner of this year's first prize is Prof. Dr. Dennis Solomon (Universität Tübingen) and Dr. István Varga (Constitutional Court of the Republic of Hungary). The further prize winners were Dr. David Quinke (Universität Bonn) for his dissertation on "Börsenschiedsvereinbarungen und prozessualer Anlegerschutz" and Dr. Petra Zobel (Universität Greifswald) for her dissertation "Schiedsgerichtsbarkeit und Gemeinschaftsrecht - Integration und Exklusion".  A total of seventeen research papers were subsmitted. The papers were of a very high academic standard and deal with a broad spectrum of current questions in national and international dispute resolution


On April 29, 2004, the German Institution of Arbitration (DIS) awarded the prize for 2003/04 in Düsseldorf.

The winner of this year's first prize is Associate Professor Dr. Jens Adolphsen, who has himself habilitated on the current topic of „Internationale Dopingstrafen". Further prizes (second prize) was awarded to Dr. Angela Kölbl (Universität Marburg) for her dissertation on "Schiedsklauseln in Vereinssatzungen" and Dr. Jens Scherpe (Max-Planck-Institut für ausländisches und internationales Privatrecht, Hamburg) for his dissertation on "Außergerichtliche Streitbeilegung in Verbrauchersachen". A total of fourteen research papers were submitted. The papers were of a very high academic standard and deal with a broad spectrum of current questions in national and international dispute resolution


In 2001/02 the DIS for the first time offered a prize for the advancement of young academics in the field of arbitration and related areas, which was awared on November 28, 2002 in the Berlin Reichstag.

Eleven research papers, predominantly dissertations, were submitted. The papers were of a very high academic standard and dealt with a broad spectrum of current questions in national and international dispute resolution. In light of number of excellent papers, the DIS increased the total amount for the prize to € 10,000 EUR and awarded three prizes. The prize winners are Mr. Martin Borowsky for his paper on "Das Schiedsgutachten im Common Law", Mr. Torsten Lörcher for his paper "Neue Verfahren der internationalen Streiterledigung in Wirtschaftssachen" and Mr. Markus A. Papmehl for his paper "Die Schiedsfähigkeit gesellschaftsrechtlicher Streitigkeiten".


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