Modernisation of arbitration law



The Act on the Modernisation of Arbitration Law is intended to align this area of law with modern needs, to enhance its efficiency and to boost Germany’s attractiveness as a venue for arbitration. The DIS has been actively involved in the legislative process and has submitted constructive comments on both the white paper and the draft bill.

The DIS welcomes the modernisation of the well-established German arbitration law by means of a minor reform. Such a reform can not only further improve German arbitration law, but also provides an opportunity to draw more international attention to Germany as an arbitration venue. It is therefore an important building block in an overall strategy to promote Germany as an arbitration venue.

The latest status of the legislative process can be found in DIP, the documentation and information system for parliamentary matters of the German Bundestag.

With the end of the 20th legislative period, the legislative project has regrettably fallen into discontinuity. The DIS will continue to advocate for the modernization of German arbitration law after the Bundestag elections.

Consultation on the Modernisation of Arbitration Law in the Parliamentary Committee on Legal Affairs

The Parliamentary Committee on Legal Affairs has discussed the federal government's bill on the Modernisation of Arbitration Law in a two-hour public hearing on Wednesday, 4 December 2024 (BT-Drucks. 20/13257).

Date: Wednesday, 4 December 2024, 1.00 - 3.00 pm
Venue: Berlin, Paul-Löbe-Haus, Sitzungssaal 2.600

A summary, including all statements by the experts and a video recording of the hearing, can be found on the Bundestag website.

Government Bill on the Modernisation of Arbitration Law of 26 June 2024

  • Government bill (BT-Drucks. 20/13257, in German)
  • Reading version (in German) of the DIS with the changes provided for compared to the current law
  • Reading version (in German) of the DIS with the changes provided for in the draft bill

Draft Bill of the Federal Ministry of Justice for the Modernisation of Arbitration Law of 1 February 2024

White Paper of the Federal Ministry of Justice on the Modernisation of German Arbitration Law of 18 April 2023


  • Armbrüster, Christian, Modernisierung des Schiedsverfahrensrechts: Viel Licht, einige Schatten, ZRP 2024, 66
  • Burianski, Markus / Fleckenstein, Lisa, Commercial Courts und Schiedsverfahrensreform – Gelingt die Aufholjagd zugunsten des Justizstandorts Deutschland?, ZRP 2023, 162
  • Dörrscheidt, Kolja / Finkelnburg, Angela, Digitale Streitbeilegung in Deutschland, LTZ 2023, 255
  • Eckhoff, Hannah / Meyer, Leane / Schiering, Paul, Die Attraktivität Deutschlands als Forum internationaler Streitbeilegung, RIW 2023, 804
  • Graeve, Jannis, Mit formfreien Schiedsvereinbarungen zu elektronischen Schiedssprüchen, SchiedsVZ 2024, 239
  • Harms, Rüdiger / Andräs, Nils, Die angestrebte Reform des deutschen Schiedsverfahrensrechts, DB 2024, 2477
  • Heinze, Justus, Die Reform des deutschen Schiedsrechts und ihre Auswirkungen auf den Sport, SpuRt 2024, 445
  • Kiehl, Jonas / Gebhard, Bero, Die Modernisierung des deutschen Schiedsverfahrensrechts, SchiedsVZ 2024, 173
  • Münch, Joachim, Ein großer Edelstein - zur angedachten Neuregelung des § 1031 ZPO, ZIP 2024, 2506
  • Münch, Joachim, Vom Beruf unserer Zeit zur Reform des Schiedsrechts, JZ 2023, 958
  • Risse, Jörg / Oehm, Max, Referentenentwurf zum Schiedsverfahrensrecht der ZPO: Streitbeilegung made in Germany?!, BB 2024, 1163
  • Trittmann, Rolf, Initiative des Gesetzgebers zur Erhöhung der Attraktivität von Schiedsgerichten und Einführung von Commercial Courts – ein Durchbruch?, ZVertriebsR 2023, 341
  • Umbeck, Elke / Pust, Jonas, Der Regierungsentwurf zur Modernisierung des deutschen Schiedsverfahrensrechts, BB 2024, 2376
  • Wagner, Florian, Zum Eckpunktepapier des Bundesministeriums der Justiz zur Modernisierung des deutschen Schiedsverfahrens, ZIP 2023, 1393
  • Weiler, Kristina, Streitbeilegung am Schiedsort Deutschland – was die Modernisierung des Schiedsverfahrensrechts für Unternehmen bedeutet, RIW 2024, 245
  • Wolff, Reinmar, Empfiehlt sich eine Reform des deutschen Schiedsverfahrensrechts?, SchiedsVZ 2016, 293
  • Wolff, Reinmar, Modernisierung des deutschen Schiedsverfahrensrechts: die Eckpunkte des Bundesministeriums der Justiz, ZIP 2023, 1623
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