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Proceedings Initiated in 2023

Types of proceedings 2022 2023
Total number of DIS proceedings   164 191
DIS Arbitration Rules   135 163
  of which 1998 DIS Arbitration Rules 1 0
  of which 2018 DIS Arbitration Rules 108 132
  of which 2018 DIS Arbitration Rules with Annex 4 6 9
  of which 2018 DIS Arbitration Rules with Annex 5 19 22
  of which 2018 DIS Arbitration Rules with Annexes 4+5 0 0
  relating to Packaging Law 1 0
DIS/Chambers of Industry and Commerce (IHK) arbitration proceedings   6 12
  of which IHK Bonn/Rhein-Sieg 0 0
  of which IHK Frankfurt am Main 1 4
  of which IHK Köln 0 1
  of which IHK Mittlerer Niederrhein 0 1
  of which IHK München und Oberbayern 4 4
  of which IHK Nürnberg für Mittelfranken 0 1
  of which IHK Regensburg für Oberpfalz/Kelheim 0 0
  of which IHK Stuttgart 1 1
  of which IHK Würzburg-Schweinfurt 0 0
2016 DIS Sport Arbitration Rules   5 5
Subtotal of arbitration proceedings   146 180
Conciliation   6 3
Mediation   7 7
Adjudication   0 0
Expert Determination   1 1
Subtotal ADR proceedings   14 11
Other proceedings (Ad hoc Appointing Authority)   3 0

Arbitration Proceedings – Value of Disputes in 2023

  2022 2023
Value of disputes** 2.847.764.101 € 2.864.528.790 €
of which DIS arbitration proceedings (statements of claim) 2.336.506.536 € 2.603.341.005 €
of which DIS arbitration proceedings (increase in the amount claimed/counter-claims) 493.342.351 € 251.795.003 €
of which DIS/IHK arbitration proceedings 17.915.214 € 9.392.782 €
Value of disputes 2022 2023
lowest 3.000 € 2.500 €
highest 441.119.584 € 608.000.000 €
Median 1.091.986 € 545.889 €

* Based on the number of arbitration proceedings, but not including sport arbitration proceedings (141 proceedings 2022/175 proceedings in 2023).
** Taking into account the value of arbitration proceedings (DIS/IHK) commenced in the relevant year only, as well as the increase in the amount claimed and counterclaims filed during the relevant year (irrespective of when the arbitration proceedings were initiated). It is not the total value in dispute of all arbitration proceedings pending in the relevant year.

Arbitration Proceedings – Places of Arbitration 2023

In Germany Abroad
City Number of cases Country City Number of cases
Berlin 12 Serbien Belgrad 1
Bremen 4 Schweiz Genf 2
Celle 1 Schweden Stockholm 2
Dresden 1      
Dülmen 1      
Düsseldorf 15      
Frankfurt am Main 29      
Hamburg 15      
Hannover 2      
Kelheim 1      
Cologne 13      
Leipzig 1      
Lohsa 1      
Ludwigshafen am Rhein 2      
Mannheim 2      
Mönchengladbach 2      
Munich 48      
Münster 1      
Nürnberg 3      
Siegen 1      
Stuttgart 11      
Weiden (Oberpfalz) 1      
total 167     5

All figures in this section are related to the number of DIS and DIS/IHK arbitration proceedings initiated in 2023 with already agreed or fixed places of arbitration, but not including sport arbitration proceedings  (175 proceedings in total). In three cases, the place of arbitration had not yet been determined when the proceedings were initiated.

Arbitration Proceedings – Language of the Proceedings 2023

Languages of the proceedings 2022 2023
English 49 (35%) 55 (31 %)
German 89 (65%) 120 (69 %)

All figures in this section are related to the number of DIS and DIS/IHK arbitration proceedings initiated in 2023 with already agreed or fixed places of arbitration, but not including sport arbitration proceedings (175 proceedings in total).

Arbitration Proceedings – Involvement of Foreign Parties 2023

Proceedings with foreign parties 2022 2023
Total 57 (40 %) 70 (40 %)
of which arbitration proceedings with one foreign party 43 62
of which arbitration proceedings with foreign parties on both sides 14 8

All figures in this section are related to the number of DIS and DIS/IHK arbitration proceedings initiated in 2023 with already agreed or fixed places of arbitration, but not including sport arbitration proceedings (175 proceedings in total).

Arbitration Proceedings – Represented Countries 2023

  2022 2023
Number of countries represented 84 83
Albania 1 -
Australians 1 -
Austria 4 3
Bahamas 1 -
Barbados - 1
Belgium 2 4
Bermuda - 1
Bulgaria 1 -
China  7 6
Denmark - 1
France 4 2
Georgia - 1
Great Britain 7 4
Hong Kong 2 1
Hungary - 1
Indonesia - 1
Italy 3 1
Japan 2 2
Kanada 1 -
Katar 1 -
Kenia 1 -
Latvia 1 1
Lebanon 1 -
Liechtenstein 7 -
Luxembourg 3 7
Malaysia 1 1
Malta - 2
Mexiko 1 -
Moldavia - 1
Morocco 1 -
Netherlands 9 6
Norwege - 1
Pakistan 1 -
Poland 2 -
Romania 1 2
Russia 4 1
Saudi Arabia - 1
Serbia - 2
Singapore 1 -
Slovakia - 1
South Korea  - 2
Spain 1 7
Sweden 1 2
Switzerland 2 6
Taiwan 1 1
Thailand - 1
Tunesia - 1
Ukraine 1 1
United Arab Emirates 2 2
United States of America 5 5

All figures in this section are related to the number of DIS and DIS/IHK arbitration proceedings initiated in 2023 with already agreed or fixed places of arbitration, but not including sport arbitration proceedings (175 proceedings in total).

Arbitration Proceedings – Multi-Party Proceedings 2023

Multi-party proceedings 2022 2023
Total 34 (24,1 %) 48 (27,4 %)
of which multiple claimants 4 13
of which multiple respondents 21 31
of which multiple parties on both sides 9 4

All figures in this section are related to the number of DIS and DIS/IHK arbitration proceedings initiated in 2023 with already agreed or fixed places of arbitration, but not including sport arbitration proceedings (175 proceedings in total).

Industries & sectors 2023

All figures in this section are related to the number of DIS and DIS/IHK arbitration proceedings initiated in 2023 with already agreed or fixed places of arbitration, but not including sport arbitration proceedings (175 proceedings in total).

Sport Arbitration Proceedings

Dynamic development of the case load since the establishment of the German Court of Arbitration for Sport in 2008

The German Court of Arbitration decides as Arbitration Court for the first instance, the appellate instance and about submissions for interim relief

Instances of sport arbitration proceedings 2022 2023
Total 5 5
of which 1st instance 4 4
of which appellate instance 1 1
of which interim relief  - -

Types of the subject matter

Types of the subject matter 2022 2023
Total 5 5
of which anti-doping-disputes 5 5
of which general sports-related disputes - -

Applications for financial aid (as introduced by 2016 DIS Sport Arbitration Rules) was not utilised in any of the anti-doping proceedings initiated in 2023.

Gender Champion Initiative - Statistics

DIS Statistics on Arbitral Appointments for 2023

DIS is signatory to the ERA Pledge and collects and publishes statistical data on arbitral appointments in DIS-administered arbitration proceedings. Find out more about DIS’ engagement with equal representation in arbitration here.

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