Practice notes

Tools & Rules


This section provides access to information and tools for DIS arbitration proceedings. Please note that these documents are currently only available in German.

DIS eFile User Manual

The DIS also has provided training on how to use the software. A recording of the event is available (in German) for those here who were unable to attend one of the three events. Further English-speaking events are planned.

Practice Notes Supplementary Rules for Third-Party Notices (DIS-TPNR)

Guidelines on information technology in arbitration proceedings under the 2018 DIS Arbitration Rules - notes on article 27.4(i) and annex 3 lit. G

Checklist information and communication technology & arbitration proceedings (for arbitral tribunal & parties)

Information on filing an request for DIS arbitration proceedings under Sect. 23 (8) German Packaging Act

Practice note on the use of experts in arbitration

DIS Arbitration Privacy Policy

FAQ DIS Arbitration Privacy Policy

Important notice: Outdated web browser INTERNET EXPLORER

The DIS website is not fully compatible with the outdated web browser INTERNET EXPLORER, for which security updates are no longer being provided. Some important functions of the website are not available (e.g. cost calculator, member access) or availability is limited (e.g. event area) with INTERNET EXPLORER.
For full use of the DIS website, please switch to an up to date web browser such as Chrome, Edge, Firefox or Safari.