Habel, Oliver M.


tecLEGAL Habel Rechtsanwälte (attorneys-at-law)
technology and its legal enviroments

Current activity

attorney-at-law (Rechtsanwalt) at tecLEGAL Habel Rechtsanwälte, Munich, Germany, www.teclegal-habel.com

Professional focus

Intellectual Property
Information Technology (IT)
Project management
Distribution and franchise

Areas of law

Civil law
EU law
Commercial law
IT law
Licensing/Franchise law
Intellectual property law
Contract law

My career

  • 1982/ 1985: 1st state and bar exams in Munich, Germany
  • 1987: doctorate " Software Licenses in SLAs"
  • 1987 - 1990: in-house counsel with Dornier Medizintechnik/Dornier Medical Systems
  • Since 1991: attorney-at-law
  • Since 2003 in tecLEGAL Habel RAe, Munich, Germany

Arbitration experience

5 finalized proceeding, acting as single arbitrator or acting as co-arbitrator; 1 successfull extensive settling at the edge of outsourcing/ERP project, October 2023; Joining All Munich Rounds as co-arbitrator , Munich Center for Dispute Resolution 2013, 2014, 2015, 2017 - 2019.


  • Habel, Nutzungsrechte an Standard-Anwenderprogrammen (Licensing of Standard Software), 1987, also subject of my doctorial thesis
  • Habel/ Rauch, Technologieverträge (Technological Project Agreements), 1. and 2. edition , 1998/2005
  • Habel, Grundsätze der Auftragsdatenverarbeitung (Legal Priciples for Order Data Processing) in Conrad/Grützmacher (Hrsg), Recht der Daten und Datenbanken (Law for Data and Data Bases), Köln 2014
  • Habel/Müller, Werbung im Internet (Advertising in the Internet) in: Forgo´/Helfrich/Schneider (Hrsg.), Betrieblicher Datenschutz (Data Protection in Companies), Rechtshandbuch (Legal Handbook), München 2014
  • Habel/Müller,w.o.(see above), 2. edition
  • Habel, Software-Projektverträge (Software Project Agreements, in DSRI 2015 "Internet der Dinge" (Internet of Things)
  • Numerous legal articles and conference presentation within IT-,Internet-, contract- and data protection law
  • please review www.teclegal-habel.com, "info channel","events" and "references"




  • DGRI = German Society for Computer Law
  • ITechLaw = Int. Technology Law Association until 2019
  • DIS = German Institution for Arbitration
  • DAV = German Bar Ass.
  • OSE = Organisation pro Software Escro
  • Chairman of the Advisoy Board of Edmund-Bradatsch-Stiftung, (foundation), Germany

Further informations

October 2023: For the last months and near future I am strongly involved to prepare company clients to transfer the Digital Agenda of the European Commision into the legal structures of their IoT and IIoT business cases getting ready for the upcoming (still in process) EU Data Act, AI Act, Cyber Security Act, NIS 2 Directive, Product Security laws, Machinery Regulation 2022, .................staying in line with Technology and Law as my matter since 1987.

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