The key drivers in achieving parity in DIS arbitration are the parties and their representatives, who nominate the majority of arbitrators in DIS proceedings.
This is where the DIS-ERA Pledge Gender Champion Initiative comes into play.
Participating firms and organisations are asked to nominate a person to act as a Gender Champion within their organisation. The Gender Champions track the appointment of female and male arbitrators nominated by their companies. The statistical data collected by the Gender Champions will remain within their firms and will not be recorded or published.
The idea behind the Gender Champion Initiative is to raise awareness of gender equality in international arbitration through statistical self-monitoring. The Gender Champions share their experiences in regular conference calls with DIS and ERA Pledge.
We welcome the latest additions to our network of Gender Champions:
- ADVANT Beiten, represented by their Gender Champions Tobias Pörnbacher and Christina Weinzierl, and
- LALIVE, represented by Gender Champion Nina Melzer.
If you are interested in the initiative and/or in joining our next call you are very welcome. Please write to genderchampions(at) and we will send you details.