Workshop “Mediating the Vis Case” for Participants of the CLDP’s Vis Programmes

Newsletter 4/2024 - Past Events

20/21 July 2024, online

Following its successful workshop on “Mediating the Vis Case” in April in Bonn, the DIS and its two workshop leaders were invited by the Commercial Law Development Program (CLDP) of the US Department of Commerce, to jointly offer the workshop to participants of the CLDP’s Vis programmes.

On 20-21 July 2024 more than 40 participants and observers from Central Asia (Kazachstan, Uzbekistan, Pakistan and India) and the Middle East (Irak, Iran) joined online to learn and practice on the basis of the Vis Case the basics of mediation and proper case preparation.

Given the success of the event the DIS and the CLDP will engage in further joint initiatives in the area of mediation and arbitration.

Stefan Kröll

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