DIS Stuttgart: Arbitration in the Stuttgart Region - Observations from Different Perspectives

Newsletter 4/2024 - Past Events

25 June 2024, Stuttgart

The inaugural meeting of the new DIS Regional Group Stuttgart took place on 25 June 2024 at Gleiss Lutz. The Regional Coordinators, Claudia Krapfl and Roland Kläger, began by presenting the concept of the regional group and emphasised its importance as a link between the various actors and interest groups involved in arbitration in the Stuttgart region. The regional group is intended to serve as a forum for the exchange of practical experience and the establishment of networks.

Three distinguished speakers shared their views on arbitration and its importance for the Stuttgart region:

  1. Jürgen Rieger, Presiding Judge of the 1st Civil Senate of the Stuttgart Higher Regional Court, opened the series of lectures and gave a comprehensive overview of the activities of the Arbitration Senate at the Higher Regional Court of Stuttgart. He emphasised the role of arbitration as an effective instrument for the resolution of disputes, addressed the relationship to state jurisdiction and, at the same time, highlighted the services offered by the state judiciary for the resolution of commercial disputes.
  2. Michael Bode, Senior Legal Counsel at Exyte, spoke about the practical aspects of arbitration from a corporate perspective. He shared his experience and explained how arbitration can be used effectively in international contracts. Mr Bode highlighted flexibility and confidentiality as key benefits of arbitration for businesses.
  3. Maike Huneke, Partner at Menold Bezler, rounded off the series of presentations with a look at arbitration from the perspective of the legal profession. She spoke about the challenges and opportunities of arbitration proceedings and their implementation from the perspective of legal advice, particularly for medium-sized companies.

In the ensuing discussion, the effects of the Law to strengthen Germany as a forum for litigation by introducing commercial courts and English as the language of litigations (Justizstandort-Stärkungsgesetz) and the Modernisation of Arbitration Law, the resulting changes in jurisdiction, confidentiality of proceedings, multi-stage dispute resolution clauses and arbitration proceedings, as well as the common interest of the judiciary, the legal profession and the business community in an attractive place of jurisdiction were discussed in detail.

The inaugural meeting of the DIS Regional Group Stuttgart was a great success. The event provided a valuable platform for dialogue between arbitration practitioners of all kinds and for networking between the various players in the field of arbitration. The event set the stage for an active and committed regional group that will play an important role in promoting arbitration in the Stuttgart region in the future.

Claudia Krapfl

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