DIS Munich: License to Arbitrate - Arbitration Proceedings in License Disputes

Newsletter 4/2024 - Past Events

25 June 2024, Munich

What an inspiring evening on arbitration in Munich! The kick-off event of the DIS Regional Group Munich was a complete success.

Special thanks go to Ramona Schardt, for her introductory remarks and to Christoph Ann (TUM School of Management and MIPLC), whose keynote speech on ‘License to Arbitrate – Schiedsverfahren in Lizenzstreitsachen’ laid the ground for an evening full of stimulating discussions. We would also like to thank the numerous participants from the judiciary, the legal profession and companies for coming, for the lively discussions, especially on the question of the arbitrability of patents, and for the extensive dialogue that followed.

And a thousand thanks, of course, to our hosts Clyde & Co. and especially for the cordial invitation and the opportunity to round off the evening with a summer aperitif and finger food.

This is just the beginning. Here we go again - let's stay in touch!

Alice Broichmann

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