Get to know: Andrea Windemuth

Newsletter 3/2024 - Insights: Behind the Scenes of the DIS

What is your role at the DIS?

I work as a counsel in the Case Management Team of the DIS. As counsel, I am involved in the proceedings from the moment the claim is filed with the DIS until the case is closed. Together with the case administrators, I am responsible for ensuring that the proceedings run properly according to the DIS Arbitration Rules.

What path led you to the DIS?

During my studies at the University of Passau I participated in the Vis Moot Court and subsequently was involved in the Vis Moot as coach, which raised my interest in (international) arbitration. I then lost sight of this field for some time while doing my legal traineeship and working as a research assistant at the University of Passau in the field of railway law. Reconnecting with the Vis Moot community during my time as a research assistant at the University of Bonn, I got in touch with the DIS. Working at the DIS seemed the perfect match to my previous experiences and I am glad that I decided to take this step.

What do you particularly appreciate about your work?

Among many other aspects that motivate me in my daily work, I call myself lucky to have such a great team around me, that made me feel very welcome from the beginning on.

What motivates you?

Administering numerous cases at the same time, I see progress in the proceedings every day, and it motivates me to see, that the parties are getting closer to solving their dispute. As every proceeding is very individual, I perceive my tasks as being very diverse. Furthermore, my work gives me the chance to grow continuously.

How would you describe the DIS in three key words?

confidential, digital, efficient

Tell us a fun fact we should know about you?

When I was 15 years old, I wanted to spend a high school year abroad in Latin America to learn Spanish. I ended up being sent to Brazil and had to learn Portuguese instead. In the end, my experience abroad was the best I could wish for, and on top of that I learned an additional language.

Andrea Windemuth


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