International Collaboration Highlight: DIS Welcomes Delegation from Korea Fair Trade Mediation Agency

Newsletter 3/2024 - International Activities: News

29 May 2024, Berlin

We were pleased to have hosted a delegation from the Korea Fair Trade Mediation Agency at our offices in Berlin on 29 May 2024. This meeting provided an excellent platform for productive and constructive discussions on mediation practices, including the nuances of different mediation procedures and practices.

In addition, we looked at education and training programmes for mediators and explored ways to improve skills and methodologies across borders. We also discussed potential future collaborations, setting the stage for ongoing partnerships that will benefit both our organisations.

This visit underlines our commitment to international dialogue and the continuous improvement of mediation services.

We look forward to future collaborations that will further our mutual goals in the field of dispute resolution.

Ramona Schardt


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