News from the Secretary General

Newsletter 02/2024 - News from the Secretary General


Dear Members and Friends of the DIS,

I am delighted to share some exciting news with you in this second edition of our newsletter.

Firstly, we are proud to announce our latest innovation: As of 15 March 2024, we offer Supplementary Rules for the Filing of Third-Party Notices. The DIS is the first arbitral institution to offer a solution to the need to file third-party notices in arbitration - a milestone of which we are particularly proud. We look forward to the feedback from our community and users and hope that this innovation will be well received.

Second, our efforts to raise the profile of DIS have taken us around the world, from Singapore to Belgrade, Tokyo, Hamburg, Paris, Vienna and beyond. We're also preparing for a side event at the ICCA Congress in Hong Kong in May. Stay tuned for more!

Our team is also growing. A warm welcome to Vanessa Büsgen and Elena Gerasimova, who have recently joined our Case Management team as Case Administrators. We are very excited to have them on board and to have them bring their skills and experience to the team.  You can read more about them below.

There has also been a lot going on at our villa in Bonn: at the end of February, we hosted the round table on mediation and conflict management (RTKM). In March, the focus was on the DIS Pre-Moot Bonn with six teams, where teams from the University of Bonn and the University of Marburg competed in the final. And, at the end of April, we will be hosting a two-day workshop on mediating the VIS case - an excellent opportunity for professional development. You are most welcome to join us!

Looking ahead, we are preparing for our spring event in Hamburg on "Trust is good, control is better?” in May 2024. I look forward to seeing you at our event and, also at our subsequent Annual General Meeting, where we will share insights from our 2023 activities and provide an outlook for 2024. I hope to meet many of you there in person.

Until then!

Warm regards,

Ramona Schardt


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