UNCITRAL Working Group II: Submission by the Government of Germany on the DIS Adjudication Rules

Newsletter 02/2023 - Announcements


Submission by the Government of Germany on the DIS Adjudication Rules the seventy-seventh session of UNCITRAL Working Group II, New York, 6-10 February 2023

The DIS Secretariat has submitted a joint paper with the German Federal Ministry of Justice on the DIS Adjudication Rules to the seventy-sixth session of UNCITRAL Working Group II (Dispute Settlement), New York. The submission gives an overview of the DIS Adjudication Rules, which can be seen as complementary to the DIS Rules on Expert Determination and which complete the system of adjudication that the DIS offers for an accelerated and custom-tailored resolution of disputes.

We trust that this joint submission will contribute to the Working Group’s efforts to flesh out a model clause on multi-tier dispute resolution. The DIS Secretariat also participates in these discussions, it is represented by Paulus Suh, who will be able to contribute valuable DIS’ experience in administering adjudication and expert determination proceedings.

The DIS remains firmly committed to promoting all types of tailor-made ADR, including the DIS Adjudication Rules, and to exploring ways to further expedite dispute resolution proceedings, both nationally and internationally. We will keep you up to date on any new developments.

Carina Alcoberro


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