Lögering, Martin P.

RA Dr. / Fachanwalt für Internationales Wirtschaftsrecht

b. 1978


GRAT Disputes Partnerschaft von Rechtsanwält:innen mbB Engelke Lögering Wagner

Current activity

Dr. Martin P. Lögering is a Partner at GRAT Disputes. He specialises in litigation and arbitration and has many years of experience in representing national and international clients in commercial disputes before German state courts and arbitral tribunals as well as in other dispute resolution proceedings (including expert determination, mediation). He regularly acts as arbitrator.

Professional focus

Energy and power
Research and Development
Infrastructure and Transport
Metals and Mining
Project management

Areas of law

Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR)
Construction law
Civil law
Energy law
Commercial law
Private international law
Expert Determination
Environmental law
Procedural law
Insurance law
Contract law

My career

  • since 2024: Founding partner GRAT Disputes Partnerschaft von Rechtsanwält:innen mbB Engelke Lögering Wagner
  • since 2016: Lecturer for "International Contract and Commercial Law", Fresenius University of Applied Sciences, Hamburg
  • since 2014: Bar-certified specialist lawyer for International Business Law
  • 2012-2023: LEBUHN & PUCHTA Partnerschaft von Rechtsanwälten und Solicitor mbB, Hamburg
  • 2008-2012: Lovells LLP / Hogan Lovells International LLP, Hamburg/Munich
  • 2008: Admitted to the bar
  • 2007: Doctoral thesis in International Sales and Commercial Law (CISG), University of Hamburg
  • Law studies in Münster, Nijmegen (Netherlands) and Hamburg

Arbitration experience

Arbitrator / chairman of the arbitral tribunal in proceedings under various arbitration rules (inter alia DIS, ICC, GMAA, SOBau). Counsel in arbitration proceedings (inter alia DIS, ICC, GMAA, UNCITRAL, ad-hoc) and in arbitral enforcement/annulment proceedings before German courts.


  • Section "Arbitration" in: Fritz/Pielsticker (eds.), Handbuch zum Mediationsgesetz, 2019
  • Neue GMAA-Schiedsgerichtsordnung, Hansa Journal 03/2017
  • Section "Arbitration" in: Fritz/Pielsticker (eds.), Kommentar zum Mediationsgesetz, 2013
  • Die Eignung schiedsgerichtlicher Verfahren zur Lösung baurechtlicher Konflikte, ZfBR 2010, 14
  • Haftung trotz fehlender Passivlegitimation, MDR 2010, 908
  • Die Anfechtung von Grundstücksverfügungen nach dem Anfechtungsgesetz (AnfG), ZfIR 2010, 610
  • Rückforderung überzahlter Miete nach Minderung, NZM 2010, 113
  • Der richtige Umgang mit unechten Fremdwährungsschulden, RiW 2009, 625
  • Verlust etwaiger Schadensersatzrechte durch die Minderung des Kaufpreises?, MDR 2009, 664
  • CISG und internationale Handelsklauseln, 2008 (Dissertation)




  • Deutsche Institution für Schiedsgerichtsbarkeit e.V. (DIS)
  • German Maritime Arbitration Association (GMAA)
  • Dutch Arbitration Association (DAA)
  • Hamburg Arbitration Circle (HAC)
  • Deutsch-Niederländische Rechtsanwaltsvereinigung (DNRV)

Further informations

Dr. Martin P. Lögering is recommended in the ranking of Handelsblatt/Best Lawyers ("Germany's Best Lawyers") for Arbitration/Mediation as well as Dispute Resolution. He is a lecturer for "International Contract and Commercial Law" at the Fresenius University of Applied Sciences, Hamburg.

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