Krahé, LL.B. (UCL), Justin Friedrich

Rechtsanwalt (Germany) Solicitor (England & Wales)

b. 1991


SZA Schilling, Zutt & Anschütz Rechtsanwaltsgesellschaft mbH

Current activity

Rechtsanwalt (Germany) & Solicitor (England & Wales) at SZA Schilling, Zutt & Anschütz Rechtsanwaltsgesellschaft mbH

Professional focus


Areas of law

Civil law
Common law
Corporate law
Commercial law
Private international law
International economic law
Public international law

My career

  • 2024 - Solicitor's Qualifying Examination
  • 2019 - Second State Examination, Heidelberg
  • 2019 - Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law, Heidelberg
  • 2017 - First State Examination, Cologne
  • 2014 - LL.B. English and German Law, UCL, London

Arbitration experience

Counsel under ICC, DIS and Swiss Rules


  • “Die Feststellung der Unzulässigkeit von ICSID-Schiedsverfahren nach § 1032 Abs. 2 ZPO”, Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftsrecht (ZIP) 2024, 727-735 [discussing the Federal Court of Justice’s ruling applying s 1032 (2) Civil Procedural Code to ICSID arbitration] (with Prof. Dr. Ben Steinbrück and Maximilian van der Beck)
  • “§ 1032 Abs. 2 ZPO, das ICSID-Übereinkommen und Achmea – eine Kollision oder zwei Kollisionen?”, Praxis des Internationalen Privat- und Verfahrensrechts (IPRax) 2023, 36-42 [discussing the Berlin Higher Regional Court’s refusal to apply s 1032 (2) Civil Procedural Code to ICSID arbitration] (with Prof. Dr. Ben Steinbrück)
  • “Declaratory relief against post-Achmea ICSID arbitration? German arbitral law’s international reach”, Europäische Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftsrecht (EuZW) 2022, 357-365 (with Prof. Dr. Ben Steinbrück)
  • “Pravosudie v Germanii v uslovijax pandemii COVID-19” [in Russian: “The German justice system in the COVID-19 pandemic”], Žurnal zarubežnogo zakonodatelʹstva i sravnitelʹnogo pravovedenija 2022, 43–46
  • “Fortgeschrittenenklausur: Gemeinde – Staat – Haftung?”, Zeitschrift für das juristische Studium (ZJS) 2020, 462–468 [discussing liability of the state and its employees]
  • “The Impact of Public Law Norms on Private Law Relationships”, European Journal of Comparative Law and Governance 2015, 124–155
  • “Einheit der Prozessrechtswissenschaft? Tagung junger Prozessrechtswissenschaftler am 18./19. September 2015 an der Universität zu Köln”, Rechtswissenschaft (RW) 2015, 478–484 [discussing the similarities and differences between the procedural systems of German civil, criminal and administrative proceedings] (with Wolfram Buchwitz and Suzan Denise Hüttemann)




  • Member of the Law Society of England and Wales
  • Member of the British-German Jurists‘ Association
  • Member of the German-Russian Jurists’ Association
  • Member of the German-Swiss Jurists’ Association
  • Member of the European Society of International Law
  • Member of DIS40 – German Initiative of Young Arbitration Practitioners
  • Member of the Young ICCA
  • Member of the Société Suisse de Droit International
  • Associate of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators

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