Current activity

Senior Managing Director at FTI Consulting

Professional focus

Investment Disputes
Joint Ventures/Consortia/Shareholder Agreements
Quantum expertise

Areas of law

My career

  • FTI Consulting
  • Accuracy
  • PwC Valuation & Strategy
  • Dr. oec., HSG, St. Gallen, Switzerland
  • Dipl.-Kffr., Eberhard-Karls-University of Tuebingen, Germany
  • Bachelor in Economics, Lomonossov Moscow State University, Russia

Arbitration experience

• Assessment of damages and complex valuation issues in international arbitration and national court proceedings • Assessment of damages arising predominantly from breaches of sale and purchase agreements, investment treaty claims, commercial contracts, joint venture and shareholder agreements • Testifying experience in German court proceedings as well as international arbitration


  • Author and co-author of the following publications:
  • — “The Covid-19-pandemic leads to project delays”, in Deutscher AnwaltSpiegel, 23/2020
  • — "Your expert works with you, not for you", in Dispute resolution Magazine, March/2018
  • — “Valuation of synergies as a success factor for M&A transactions” published in “M&A Review”, 1-2/2018
  • — “Post-M&A disputes: lessons learned for the Financial Due Diligence”, published in „Unternehmeredition“, 08/2015
  • — “Intangible assets: What are they worth?“, published in „MM MaschinenMarkt“ 48/2014
  • — “Valuation of intangibles for transaction purposes“ in „Börsen-Zeitung“ 21.06.2014
  • — “Pitfalls in the post-M&A disputes”, published in „Unternehmeredition“, 08/2013
  • — “Valuation of intangible assets in the context of transactions”, chapter in the book entitled “M&A-Projekte erfolgreich führen: Instrumente und Best Practices“, Lucks, 2013
  • — “Accounting and valuation: Lessons for post-M&A disputes”, published in “M&A Review”, 12/2012
  • — “WACC is dead or what are the real costs of debt“, published in “M&A Review, 9/2012
  • — “Terminal Value – view into the crystal ball“, published in “M&A Review”, 9/2011
  • — “IP financing: A mixed bouquet of possibilities“, published in “Die Bank”, 9/2010
  • — “One Valuation fits all? How Europe's most innovative companies valuate technologies and patents”, Survey, 2008




  • DIS

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