Paris Arbitration Week 2025

04. Apr 2025

Organizer: Paris Arbitration Week

Some information about the Paris Arbitration week: "The Paris Arbitration Week is a yearly week of events aimed at connecting, whether in person or virtually, the worldwide community of arbitration practitioners, boosting rich academic debate and promoting Paris as the home of international arbitration.

The Paris Arbitration Week is located (one could say ‘seated’) in Paris, the historical anchorage of international arbitration, headquarters of the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) and of Universities, where international arbitration has been taught for over 60 years, in the context of France’s pro-arbitration and avant-gardist stance towards arbitration. The Paris Arbitration Week is, however, a truly international and dynamic event, involving practitioners from all over the world, who attend this very special week to build an international network of colleagues, experts, professors and students, to listen to eminent speakers. With over 26,000 registrations and 143 events, the 2023 edition brought together an excess of 10,000 arbitration practitioners who attended passionate doctrinal debates, enlightened practical workshops and exchanged ideas during relaxing social and networking events."

Paris Arbitration Week 2025

Date: 4-11 April 2025
Venue: Paris

The DIS is please to support the Paris Arbitration Week.

For further information and registration please visit the event website.

The DIS is organising a side event in the framework of the Paris Arbitration Week. Further information will follow.

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