Hamburg International Arbitration Days 2025

07. Apr 2025

Organizer: Bucerius Law School (CIDR), HAC, Rechtsstandort Hamburg and CAM-CCBC

Jointly organized by the Center of International Dispute Resolution of the Bucerius Law School (CIDR), the Hamburg Arbitration Circle (HAC), the Rechtsstandort Hamburg and the Arbitration and Mediation Center of the Canadian-Brazilian Chamber of Commerce (CAM-CCBC), the leading Brazilian Arbitration Institution, the HIAD will again offer an opportunity for members of the German Arbitration Community to discuss pervasive problems of international arbitration with leading colleagues from Europe and the Americas.

The DIS will be prominently represented again this year at the Hamburg International Arbitration Days by its Secretary General Ramona Schardt and its Chairman Stefan Kröll, who will both chair a panel at the HIAD conference. In addition, Rafał Morek (member Arbitration Council of the DIS) will speak about harmonisation efforts in the field of taking evidence and Cecilia Carrara (member of the DIS Advisory Board) will speak about Different means of evidence. 

Hamburg International Arbitration Days 2025

Date: 7 to 9 April 2025
Venue: Hamburg

Around the core events, the 8th Luther Lecture, the 9th HIAD Conference and the CAM-CCBC Hamburg Pre-Moot, several other events will be organized by the member firms of the Hamburg Arbitration Circle.

For further information on all events taking place during the Hamburg International Arbitration Days 2025 and to register for these events, please visit the HIAD Website.

8th annual Luther Lecture: Arbitration in the Time of Crisis - Is it still delivering its promises?

Date: 7 April 2025, 6.30 – 8.00 pm (CET)
Venue: Bucerius Law School, Jungiusstraße 6, 20355 Hamburg

Vladimir Pavić (University of Belgrade, President of BAC) will discuss the question: Arbitration in the Time of Crisis - Is it still delivering its promises? Anti-suit and anti-arbitration injunctions and obstacles to enforcement of awards and decisions seem to have become the norm, rather than the exceptions. The underlying question is whether arbitration can still fulfill its promises as an efficient and effective means of resolving east-west disputes, and what needs to be done before the situation improves.

For more information please refer to the programme and to the event website.

Bucerius HIAD Conference 2025: Taking Evidence in International Arbitration - European and (Latin) American perspectives

Date: 8 April 2025, 1.30 – 6.30 pm (CET)
Venue: Bucerius Law School, Helmut Schmidt Auditorium, Jungiusstraße 6, 20355 Hamburg
Fees: 30 EUR (Conference), + 135 EUR (Conference Dinner + Drinks)

Most cases turn on the facts rather than on the law. Thus, the taking of evidence to establish the facts is of crucial importance in many arbitral proceedings. At the same time and despite all harmonization efforts by the IBA, the rules and practices often differ from jurisdiction to jurisdiction.

Afterwards, join colleagues from around the world for a Networking Dinner in the impressive and historic Hamburg "Bunker" - originally an air defence fortress, now a vibrant urban landmark!

For more information please refer to the programme and to the event website.

CAM-CCBC Hanse Pre-Moot

Date: 9 April 2025
Venue: Hamburg

The CAM-CCBC Hanse Pre-Moot will take place in the offices of the Hamburg Arbitration Law firm with teams from all over the world. It is probably the most international pre-Moot in Germany with numerous teams and arbitrators from Brazil. 

For more information visit the CAM-CCBC website.

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