DIS40 Bundesveranstaltung: Hanover Pre-Moot


15. Feb 2021

From 15 to 19 February 2021, the 15th Hannover PreMoot will take place – this time as the First Hannover PreMoot Week. More than 80 teams from all over the world have already registered. For the virtual pleadings which will take place on 19 and 20 February, the organizers are still looking for arbitrators.

  • Date: 15 - 19/20 February 2021
  • Location: Online

If you are interested in participating in the Hannover PreMoot as an arbitrator, please register via the following link: https://www.premoot.uni-hannover.de/en/participation/arbitrators/ .

You can find more information on the Hannover PreMoot and the pleading sessions here and here.


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