2018 DIS Arbitration Rules Clinic: Practice Group Settlement – Kick-off of Phase 2


15. Nov 2022

Organizer: DIS

As part of the 2018 DIS Arbitration Rules Clinic initiated in 2021, the practice group settlement has dedicated itself to the distinctive feature of the 2018 DIS Arbitration Rules: early conflict resolution. The promotion of settlements is one of its pillars. The practice group analyses how settlements are brought about around the globe.

In Phase 1 the practice group has held several interactive sessions with thought leaders (such as David Rivkin, Edna Sussman, Klaus Peter Berger, Karl Mackie or Christopher Newmark). Future sessions with thought leaders in this area are planned. Phase 2 of the project will aim to develop approaches to settlement facilitation in light of the findings from Phase 1. In working groups focusing on different regions, gaps between the various legal traditions will be identified and discussed.

The kick-off event of Phase 2 will take place on 15 November 2022.

Practice Group Settlement – Kick-off of Phase 2

Date: 15 November 2022, 1:30 pm (CET)
Location: Zoom video conference (joining details will follow separately).

The kick-off session for the Phase 2 work of the practice group will include a discussion of the detailed program of the practice group. For further details and information, please refer to the invitation.

We look forward to seeing you at the kick-off event and to working together with a view to advancing international arbitration practice. We very much appreciate your willingness to dedicate time to this project.


Please register by 13 November 2022 via the link below. By registering you accept the DIS General Terms and Conditions for Conferences and Workshops. Participation in the event is free of charge.

Registered participants will receive the access data by email before the start of the event.

Please address any questions to: hello.rulesinpractice(at)no_spamdisarb.org.

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