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DIS40 Stuttgart: Weihnachtsmarkt

DIS40 Rhein/Ruhr: Weihnachtsmarktbesuch

DIS40 München: Weihnachtsdinner

DIS40 Berlin: Christmas Market

MuCDR Moot Court Lecture

Lunch DIScussions: The new ICSID 2022 Rules and Regulations

AtlAS December 2022 Plenary Meeting: U.S. Experiences with DIS Arbitration

DIS40 Frankfurt: Legality of Witness Preparation – effective assistance without distorting evidence?

Berichte aus dem DIS-Praxislabor: Praxisgruppe „Article-by-Article“

DIS40 Zurich: Disputes in Uncertain Times

Gemeinsame Schiedsverfahrenskultur in der DACH-Region?

Solidarity Arbitration and Mediation Days - side event for young arbitration enthusiasts

Solidarity Arbitration and Mediation Days

2018 DIS Arbitration Rules Clinic: Practice Group Settlement – Kick-off of Phase 2

Lunch DIScussions: Commercial Courts in Europe – Alternative to Arbitration?

DIS40 Stuttgart: Lunch Lectures – International Arbitration Abroad

Save the date: DIS40 Nord-YAC-YAPN Seminar & Workshop

DIS40 Frankfurt: Stammtisch der DIS40

Lunch DIScussions: Technical Expert to the Arbitral Tribunal?

DIS40 Rhein/Ruhr: Prozessfinanzierung bei Schiedsverfahren – Empfehlung auch für solvente Mandanten?

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