DIS Rules

DIS Rules   DIS Rules Tools & Rules Contact The German Arbitration Institute (DIS) offers, in addition to administrated arbitration, numerous procedural rules for alternative dispute resolution. These rules are available below in different languages. Arbitration 2018 DIS Arbitration Rules Please note the changes of Appendix 2 effective as of ... proceedings pursuant to the 2018 DIS Arbitration


Conciliation   Conciliation Arbitration Contact Disputes between companies or ... or persons can be resolved amicably by way of conciliation. The aim of conciliation is to bring about a settlement agreement by means of a compromise proposal made by a neutral conciliator. In conciliation proceedings, a conciliator facilitates negotiations ... may agree. One of the basic principles of the DIS


... to agree on a DIS arbitration. The DIS Arbitration Rules 2018 are available in German and English as original versions. At the same time, the rules have also been translated into other languages for ... proceedings monitors compliance with the procedural rules. Providing for an arbitration proceeding during ... courts. Arbitration based upon proven and recognized

Our services

... arbitration proceedings, the provision of arbitration rules, support for the conduct of arbitration proceedings ... every year. The current 2018 DIS Arbitration Rules are available to all domestic and international ... irrespective of industry. The 2018 DIS Arbitration Rules are available in German and English. In addition, ... languages will follow. The 2018 DIS Arbitration


... (ADR). But what is the idea behind arbitration, conciliation or mediation? What different methods of dispute ... purpose, we provide our own widely recognized set of rules and provide information about their use. By its administration of proceedings, the DIS ensures compliance with the rules of procedure and the smooth conduct of proceedings. ... process. The DIS offers a set of procedural


... fees may be found in the DIS Arbitration Rules: Annex 2 to the DIS Arbitration Rules and the DIS costs calculator . Membership fees. The ... if their relationship is ongoing. By contrast in conciliation the third party facilitator may also provide the ... an arbitrator if required under the DIS Arbitration

DIS Model Clauses

DIS Model Clauses   DIS Model Clauses Tools & Rules Contact The German Arbitration Institute (DIS) ... be finally settled in accordance with the Arbitration Rules of the German Arbitration Institute (DIS) without ... [ please enter language of the arbitration ]. (5) The rules of law applicable to the merits shall be [ please enter law or

Our work in numbers

... number of DIS proceedings   164 191 DIS Arbitration Rules   135 163   of which 1998 DIS Arbitration Rules 1 0   of which 2018 DIS Arbitration Rules 108 132   of which 2018 DIS Arbitration Rules with Annex 4 6 9   of which 2018 DIS Arbitration Rules with Annex 5 19 22   of which 2018 DIS Arbitration

Alternative dispute resolution (ADR) mechanisms at...

... In addition to consensus-oriented methods (mediation, conciliation), decision-oriented types of proceedings ... Arbitration Expedited Proceedings, Supplementary Rules for Corporate Disputes Flexible The procedure can be ... with arbitration. Learn more about mediation. Conciliation Quick An agreement can be reached quickly and ... in the form of an arbitral award on agreed terms if


Careers   Careers About us Contact Since 1920, the DIS has been a pioneer in the field of alternative dispute resolution. With its trailblazing rules on arbitration, conciliation and mediation, among others, the DIS continues to contribute significantly to the further development of alternative dispute resolution in ...

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