DIS40 – German initiative of young arbitration practitioners

About us


In the summer of 2002, the DIS established an initiative for young arbitration practitioners in Germany – the “DIS40”. It is a forum for young professionals to exchange experiences of practice in the field of arbitration and alternative dispute resolution.

The DIS40 regularly organises regional, national and international events. Participation in these events is mostly free of charge. Membership is open to anyone interested in arbitration under the age of 40.

As a DIS40 member, you also have the opportunity to participate in the DIS/DIS40 Mentoring Programme.

The DIS40 is one of the co-founders of the Co-Chairs’-Circle (CCC), an umbrella association for all the organisations of young arbitration practitioners worldwide.

DIS40 Coordinators

The activities of the DIS40 are organised by national and regional coordinators who are selected at regular intervals. The national coordinators are responsible for managing the daily business of the DIS40: planning the biannual national events and coordinating the DIS40’s activities abroad. 

DIS40 national coordinators

Marie Grüger, Hamburg

Nadja Harraschain, Frankfurt

Polina Lehmann, Frankfurt

Christian Steger-von Förster, Hamburg

Sebastian Wuschka, Hamburg

DIS40 national coordinator for the In-House Counsel Initiative

Christoph Gramlich-Altenburg, Frankfurt

Each year, more than 30 DIS40 events take place in different regions in Germany, in Switzerland (Zurich and Basel) and in London. These events are focused on current topics of arbitration as well as the further education and training of young arbitration practitioners. The DIS40 regional coordinators are responsible for organising all regional events.

DIS40 regional coordinators

DIS40 Berlin: Deborah Keller and Vasileios Regkakos

DIS40 Frankfurt: Hannes Ingwersen and Laura Reichen

DIS40 Nord: Wajma Mangal and Malte Stübinger

DIS40 Munich: Duncan Gorst and Julia Klesse

DIS40 Rhein/Ruhr: Hendric Labonté and Ramona Sorgenfrei

DIS40 Stuttgart: Maike Huneke and Torsten Köppel

DIS40 London: Nina Melzer and Jerome Temme

DIS40 Zurich: Nadine Pfiffner and David Wohlgemuth

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